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Thread: Any advice...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Las Cruces, NM

    Any advice...

    Here's a photo.. from today... (advice welcome.... I dont consider myself a professional or even an enthusiast or really even an amateur.. so "critique" is not the right term for sure... LOL)

    I'm totally new to DSLR.. just bought a 30D a bit over a week ago.. I used it at the Phoenix Nascar race and got some really nice shots .. at least I think so...(I dont know much about it... really)

    Anyway.. I bought the camera after having a Olympus 750uz which worked pretty well... I normally photograph wildlife.. mostly semi-captive type outdoor subjects.. so I bought the EF 100-300 USM lens I just couldnt afford the "L" lens I wanted.. maybe one day. (translation... I'm saving my pennies !)

    The big thing is that most of my photography are.. well...... VERY remote.. that meaning I may hike 1/2 a mile in rough country.. or 5 miles in rough country ... so weight and size is a limiting factor... fwiw.. (translation... 70-200 2.8L is OUT of the question ! )

    Anyway. on to the photo.. I took this in the back yard this afternoon.. partly cloudy (quickly changing light) but the subject was in the shade mostly... I take responsibility for the noise (ISO 800) this is unprocessed exif should be included I think... shot in AV mode.. If the exif is not there let me know and I'll provide it...

    I dunno if I'm doing this stuff right is all... I seem to fight shutter speed with ISO with f/stop ... so if I need more shutter speed or specific DOF I seem to constantly need to increase the ISO if the lighting is poor to get "there" I guess the lens is a bit limiting... ?? Dunno? I really think the lens will be fine for what I bought it for.. (which is NOT for portraits or birds ...fwiw)... I just havent had a chance to use it for that yet...

    Oh.. one more thing.. just wanted to say thanks to Loupey (sp) for the bucket of light analogy.... it is VERY helpful IMHO...


  2. #2
    K9er Bevb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Essex, England.

    Re: Any advice...

    Firstly the image is of a Robin so it gets full marks anyway from me ( a BIG Robin fanatic)!

    You say your using ISO800 well its done well at that, although noise is slightly visual its very limited, have you used any noise reduction software? and as you say im sure your lense will be more than adequate for what you say your gonna photograph, although im presuming its the 4.5 throughout, so you will struggle sometimes with this aperature in low light situations without using higher ISO settings.

    I have not checked yet but if you have posted some of your racing car pictures that would be good to compare better light shots.
    "Live Life to the full, theres no rehersals"

  3. #3
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Central Ohio

    Re: Any advice...

    Welcome to PR and especially to the N/W forum!

    As you've found out, the shutter speed/ISO and shutter speed/DOF and DOF/ISO are all competing combinations. Finding the right balance for you is what makes photography so individualistic. Having high shutter speed AND deep DOF AND low ISO is impossible - unless you live on Mercury where the light intensity is 10 times that on earth

    Your photo of the robin is fine. A little more post processing can really add back the color/contrast that was originally there. As for a "critique", I'd offer that the bird is bit too centered and that green out-of-focus leaf in front of the robin's feet is distracting.

    Glad the analogy made sense. Thanks for sharing and I hope you stick around and join the fun!
    Please do not edit or repost my images.

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    What's a Loupe for anyway?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Las Cruces, NM

    Re: Any advice...

    Thanks BevB glad you like the subject of the photo ! He was clearly not "shy" of the camera Yes the you are correct I would agree that the lens is definitely designed for outdoor use in good light.. any type of low light condition seems to cause me to struggle to match Av and DOF.

    Yes 4.5 is correct, the lens is 4.5-5.6 so 4.5 is the widest Av at 100mm. No I have not done any pp to the photo ... so no noise reduction software or anything for that matter...

    I'll post a couple photos of Nascar drivers below...

    Loupey thanks for the welcome ! very much appreciated !

    Yes the analogy is fantastic ! IMO ! I no longer have to "think" to understand what is necessary to make a change...though I am still learning the camera functions and where to find each setting etc.. heck sometimes I forget I even have a setting that might help for example the EC setting is right on my thumb.. but I often forget that I can make such a slight adjustment so easily LOL !

    I seem to at this point be totally concentrating on the technical aspect of the camera and trying to take a properly exposed, in focus, crisp photo, not to mention being a Information Technology type (translation: computer geek) person tends to lend more to right brain theme.. So I would imagine the creative part of photography will continue to challenge me... LOL I guess what I'm saying is... I didnt even know there was a leaf in at the robin's feet :idea:

    You all have a great place here fwiw ! and great advice... !

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