Here's a photo.. from today... (advice welcome.... I dont consider myself a professional or even an enthusiast or really even an amateur.. so "critique" is not the right term for sure... LOL)

I'm totally new to DSLR.. just bought a 30D a bit over a week ago.. I used it at the Phoenix Nascar race and got some really nice shots .. at least I think so...(I dont know much about it... really)

Anyway.. I bought the camera after having a Olympus 750uz which worked pretty well... I normally photograph wildlife.. mostly semi-captive type outdoor subjects.. so I bought the EF 100-300 USM lens I just couldnt afford the "L" lens I wanted.. maybe one day. (translation... I'm saving my pennies !)

The big thing is that most of my photography are.. well...... VERY remote.. that meaning I may hike 1/2 a mile in rough country.. or 5 miles in rough country ... so weight and size is a limiting factor... fwiw.. (translation... 70-200 2.8L is OUT of the question ! )

Anyway. on to the photo.. I took this in the back yard this afternoon.. partly cloudy (quickly changing light) but the subject was in the shade mostly... I take responsibility for the noise (ISO 800) this is unprocessed exif should be included I think... shot in AV mode.. If the exif is not there let me know and I'll provide it...

I dunno if I'm doing this stuff right is all... I seem to fight shutter speed with ISO with f/stop ... so if I need more shutter speed or specific DOF I seem to constantly need to increase the ISO if the lighting is poor to get "there" I guess the lens is a bit limiting... ?? Dunno? I really think the lens will be fine for what I bought it for.. (which is NOT for portraits or birds ...fwiw)... I just havent had a chance to use it for that yet...

Oh.. one more thing.. just wanted to say thanks to Loupey (sp) for the bucket of light analogy.... it is VERY helpful IMHO...
