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  1. #1
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    What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    I deleted some old and precious pictures from my digital camera SD card. Now i realized those pictures were how many important for me.
    I want help to restore lost pictures . Anyone can help me?

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    First of all, don't store photos on a memory card. Transfer everything on your memory card to your computer or an external hard drive at regular intervals. SD cards can be lost, stolen, corrupted, or you can accidentally delete the images on them. It's just too risky to use them as a long-term storage strategy.

    As for recovering lost photos, you very well might be able to do it. It depends on how long it's been since you deleted the photos and how much data you've stored on the card since you deleted them. Lexar and SanDisk both have file recovery software that works very well with memory cards. You get it free if you buy their pro cards but you can also buy it after the fact. That's what I'd recommend. I don't have a preference. I've used both and they've both worked well for me, although there's no guarantee. There are a lot of variables involved. In any case, here's a link for the page with the SanDisk software:

    SanDisk RescuePRO Recovery Software >>

    I hope that helps. Good luck!

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  3. #3
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Quote Originally Posted by orshi View Post
    I deleted some old and precious pictures from my digital camera SD card. Now i realized those pictures were how many important for me.
    I want help to restore lost pictures . Anyone can help me?
    1) STOP and do not USE the card

    2) Get an undelete or an file recovery program there are some free programs and allot of programs to purchase most of the free programs will do the job

    Any file recovery and some of the undelete programs will not restore to the device which the file is on. I would recommend copying the recovered files to an CD as well as having an copy on your hard drive and or a portable hard drive.

    It's safer to have multiple copies of your important computer files and digital photos. You never know when a hard drive or memory card will fail. Note writeable optical media only has a short life (7 to 15 years?) but magnetic mega can last 70-80 years.

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  4. #4
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    I've had good luck with PhotoRecovery Pro in the past. Give it a try if you haven't had any success yet.

  5. #5
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    As ershi writes, you need a data recovery tool to regain your photos back as long as you have not rewritten the original data. Do not save new data on this SD card and connect it to a computer or laptop via a card Reader.
    And then, download data recovery software to restore your photos back. There are plenty of data recovery tools. You should cautiously select a right one.
    Run the software several times so that you could restore the largest amount of your data.
    At last, save your recovered data on a different card or drive in case of recovery failure.
    Important note: The rewritten data can be erased forever. You should remember not to put new file to rewrite the original data.

  6. #6
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    Recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card

    Windows File recovery software is best the way to recover all lost photos.I keep copying the recovered files to an CD as well as having an copy on your hard drive and or a portable hard drive.It Transfer everything on your memory card to your computer.Windows Data Recovery, getting all the precious memories and picturesque shots become hassle-free. It doesn’t matter how these files were lost, you can stay assured with successful recovery operation of lost multimedia files and critical documents and office presentations.
    For free demo trail... filesrecoverytools. com

  7. #7
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Quote Originally Posted by amendalus View Post
    As henrypscheffler writes, you need a data recovery tool to regain your photos back as long as you have not rewritten the original data. Do not save new data on this SD card and connect it to a computer or laptop via a card Reader.
    And then, download data recovery software to restore your photos back. There are plenty of data recovery tools. You should cautiously select a right one.
    Run the software several times so that you could restore the largest amount of your data.
    At last, save your recovered data on a different card or drive in case of recovery failure.
    Important note: The rewritten data can be erased forever. You should remember not to put new file to rewrite the original data.
    Let me explain what I was looking for with the two unix commands. First the correct name of the filesystem mounted, that was DPS 2. Also, the permissions on the mount suggest the the filesystem is MSDOS. The second command confirms that the .Trashes directory exists. Now it's time to loose the command line with one last command. If any files are still in the .Trashes folder then you can retrieve them thru the GUI ->

    open /Volumes/DPS\ 2/.Trashes
    Good luck!

  8. #8
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    I am also looking for how to recover my pictures and documents from my laptop. At last I got one recovery software.. And now I am happy that I got all my images and documents. You can also try that in Ash conversions international.

  9. #9
    Junior Member PicBackMan's Avatar
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Without wasting anytime I just un-mount it. Secondly I don't do any experiment with my SD card as it may worsen the situation. Then call up tech savvy friends if they can help otherwise take it to an expert to recover lost pictures. But, I usually do not panic because I have a habit of backing up photos to an external hard drive & on my computer.

  10. #10
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    - Connect the sd card with the PC and recover the lost photos by using Remo Recover software on it

  11. #11
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    "Cardrecovery" Software works well, try this.
    Photography is all about experimentation and without it you will never learn art.

  12. #12
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Yes Orshi, you can still recover your lost pictures with some good SD card recovery software. No good freeware is available and average cost of these recovery software is $39. Most if these software come with demo version. with demo version you can only preview your recoverable files but to save them you need to purchase the full version.

  13. #13
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    The Trash bin is the unison of multiple directories (folders) that are placeholders for files ready to be unlinked. You have a .Trash directory in your home folder. Every mounted filesystem has a .Trashes directory that holds files moved to the Trash bin. Within this directory the operating system creates a directory with your user id (which is a number) as the name of the directory. The file(s) that you wish to trash are placed within this directory. While it would be typical to find the 501 directory this is not always the case.

  14. #14
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Quote Originally Posted by amendalus View Post
    As ershi writes, you need a data recovery tool to regain your photos back as long as you have not rewritten the original data. Do not save new data on this SD card and connect it to a computer or laptop via a card Reader.
    And then, download data recovery software to restore your photos back. There are plenty of data recovery tools. You should cautiously select a right one.
    Run the software several times so that you could restore the largest amount of your data.
    At last, save your recovered data on a different card or drive in case of recovery failure.
    Important note: The rewritten data can be erased forever. You should remember not to put new file to rewrite the original data.
    I would just like to share this wonderful app because I'm so overjoyed with it! It recovers any file, I guess. I accidentally deleted the media folder in my SD Card, but I recovered ALL of my music. Just click the DEEP SCAN option to be sure. BTW, it even works on your PC's recycle bin.

  15. #15
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Files Recovery Tool gives you preview of all the deleted or lost files before recovering them.This software is capable to recover the content of removed file efficiently. Along with some common file types (MOV, MPG, or AVI for movies and JPG, BMP and PNG for images).File Recovery Tool is capable to recover network drive, flash drive or local hard drive. Even, File Recovery Tool provides option to recover all the deleted items on the original destination.For free trail demo which give eligible preview: filesrecoverytool

  16. #16
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    You Can try The Best Photo Recovery Software Recovers Lost and Deleted Photos . It is Fastest and work very well in camera and SD card photo recovery.

  17. #17
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    Cool Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Hi there, I've been in the same situation while my 4 y/o niece was playing with my nikon, well.. what comes around, goes around.
    make a long story short, she managed to delete the photos.
    I've been searching for easy-to-use software for a dummy like me, and I've found this amazing photo recovery software:

    which pretty much did the trick for me.

    Check it out, there is a video in the link which shows how this stuff work.

    Good luck

  18. #18
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?


    New to the forum and photography, however I am an IT professional so I thought I would make a comment considering the latest comments were recent.

    First off I think the OP is probably beyond recovering photos of their card, unless it has been sitting dormant for 12+ months and not in use.

    For those perusing this forum trying to find out how to fix this mistake, there are many programs out there that you can use, a simple one I have used countless time to get data back from hard drives is called (funnily enough) "Get Data Back". Looking for the "portable" version of this means you can run it anywhere and do not need to install it, great for if you were to delete photos off your computer HDD and hence can't install it.

    Why you can't install it if you are trying to recover from your computer HDD is also a very important point, because you may OVERWRITE your images or data making them harder or impossible to get back, never write to ANY device that you want to get files back from, and use data recovery as soon as possible, I would go as far as saying stop using your SD card and use either the cameras limited storage if it has one, or another SD card until you can get your photos back. There are some instances where you may be able to get it back after this, however don't expect to do it with free or inexpensive software and it can take a hell of a lot of time to do.

  19. #19
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Not to worry at all, you still have a chance if you have not used your digital camera SD card further or added any new data to it. With the help of SD card recovery tool you can recover all deleted images from it. I am recommending it because i have used this tool to recover my data from memory card. So, just have a try.

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  20. #20
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Hi, you don't rewrite SD card before photo recovery, Some tools are available for photo recovery form SD card like www(dot)digital(dot)camerarecovery(dot)org

  21. #21
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?


    You can recover your lost digital pictures very easily. You have to attach your memory card to a laptop/PC in which you have to install a data recovery software and just scan and recovery your lost photos. The recovery from sd card or memory card depends on the type of recovery like either you have deleted your photos or formatted your card. try the trail version of Amrev photo recovery software then purchase when satisfied.

  22. #22
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Thanks for the tools and i share with you other software that works very fine, DeleteFIX Photo, i've used this tool and i could recover all my lost photos from my ssd card, you can try the software here. I tried with the software you say here, but this photo recovery tool is more cheaper that others and works fantastic.

  23. #23
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    What have you done to this SD card after deletion? 1). Add no more new photos on this SD card in case of any farther data loss. 2). Insert this card to computer and check whether all deleted photos are still recoverable. Many data recovery software online can be your choices, like 4Card Recovery, iCare Data Recovery Free and Recuva, etc.3). Save all restored pictures on computer drives in case of data recovery failure.Never delete important card photos again and also make card data backups well in the future.

  24. #24
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    After reading your posting, I think perhaps my experiences may give you some clues. In fact, last moth, I also lost my camera memory card images for mistaken formatting process. But, some of original camera card photos were really needed in the next day meeting. So, to get them back, I had tried searched a lot and reading a lot.

    Fortunately, there were many similar problems that were discussed on the internet and I followed many suggestions to try many ways.
    Finally, I rescued all my needed pictures back with the help of a video tutorial:

    It may also teach you restore your SD card pictures back step by step.
    Also learn a lesson to make card data backups all the time, just like me.

  25. #25
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    Re: What to do for recovery of lost digital pictures from SD card?

    Honestly, I had ever had some success to get back my deleted family photos with the guidance of an article that talked about detailed information of data recovery: you really have no luck to get your SD card pictures back. This article may give you some helps. Never forget to save all memory card or hard drive data on different places in case of similar data loss problems.

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