I have these 3 lenses that I purchased with my Canon A1 that I am selling. I dont know a whole lot about technical stuff so Im not sure what to put in the listing as far as information. I know they will work with Canon FD mount cameras, how do I find out if they are compatible with other brand cameras? Is "FD mount" exclusive to Canon, or are there other FD mount cameras out there.
OR should I just list them with the specifics that I know (what is printed on the lenses for example and their working and cosmetic condition) and just assume that the people looking and bidding will know the difference?
50mm f1:1.4 Canon FD lens
Sigma 80-200mm f3.5/4 zoom
Sigma 28mm f2.8 wide angle
I should also mention I am an ebay power seller, so I know a lot about selling, I just dont know a lot about these lenses. I like to be as informative as possible as it seems to help sales if all the information is out there.