Am I asking the impossible? An unbiased opinion on these 2 brands?I have no loyality to either one. I have done lots of reading online but I would like to see what you guys have to say. I know an obvious difference if 8MP vs. 6MP. But does that make much of a difference? I currently have a Minolta A2 and its 8MP but I have never developed a picture larger than 8x10.
I am trading in my Minolta A2 for a true SLR digital. Is this a good move?
Will either of the lenses that come with either camera be enough for a while since I will not have the money to invest in another lense for some time? I also meant to add that I mainly do portrait work. That may help in your comments on the lenses.
I am leaning toward Nikon for the budget issue. I have read great stuff about it but not in direct comparison to the Canon.
Thanks in advance for your help on this issue!