Okay, so based on the advice I have been given here and other places (and due to my own eagerness) I think I am just going to go ahead and buy a new camera and then figure out how to use it through trial & error. My main rationalization for spending $1000-ish on a new digital camera is I can do my own "professional" pics of my son--which cost me around $700 last year. I realize I'll still be spending cash on printing, but it won't be near as expensive, right?
My next question is, what are necessary accessories for doing portrait types of shots? I want to gradually collect lenses, flashes, etc. over time, but what will I need from the get-go? Anything beyound what the camera comes with? I am thinking I will get the Digital Rebel XTi or D80. I haven't been to stores yet to hold these two, but it seems like from what I've read that they are close to what I'm looking for.