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  1. #1
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    How much do you use a polarizer filter?

    If you are shooting outside do you keep the polarizer filter on the entire time or just for certain shots? I believe I will get the step up ring and purchase the 77mm size filters as suggested. Also how many lens are of the 77mm filter size that you use? I am trying to get some idea of what the future may hold lens wise. I am not sure right now what lens I may buy in the future. Right now I have the Nikon 18 to 200 VR and the Nikon 1.8 50mm. I know the lens will be determined by the use but if you can give me you thoughts on what may be needed in the future it will help, Jeff
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  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: How much do you use a polarizer filter?

    All the time?
    Can't afford the loss of light through the filter.
    I only use it on sunny days, or when I can use a tripod for long exposures.

    All my lenses except two are 77mm.
    20-22, 24-70,70-200, 100-400
    Odd ones out are the 50mm and 300mm primes.

    Remember if you have a lens hood for the smaller diameter lens, then you can't use it with the filter. So it may make more sense to buy a filter for each lens size.
    I wouldn't want a 77mm filter on the front of a 50mm diameter lens, because it's then unprotected from light coming in from outside the frame and I'd lose contrast.

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  3. #3
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: How much do you use a polarizer filter?

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    All the time?
    Can't afford the loss of light through the filter.
    I only use it on sunny days, or when I can use a tripod for long exposures.

    All my lenses except two are 77mm.
    20-22, 24-70,70-200, 100-400
    Odd ones out are the 50mm and 300mm primes.

    Remember if you have a lens hood for the smaller diameter lens, then you can't use it with the filter. So it may make more sense to buy a filter for each lens size.
    I wouldn't want a 77mm filter on the front of a 50mm diameter lens, because it's then unprotected from light coming in from outside the frame and I'd lose contrast.

    I am thinking that when I use the 1.8 50mm it will be more for low light situations and probably won't need a polarizing filter very much. What my thoughts were is to get a 72mm to 77mm step up ring to go on my zoom and also be able to be used on future lens that might be purchased. What I am trying to determine is whether I need to spend more money and get the B&W filters or go with something else. It seems like the B&W are recommended as being the better quality. I would like to get this right the first time and not be disappointed later. The more answers I can get and the more research I can do will hopefully bring me to the best choice, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
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    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  4. #4
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: How much do you use a polarizer filter?

    If your lenses aren't 77mm, I would not buy a 77mm filter for them.
    Particularly for zooms where it would interfere with the petal lens hood.
    I was perhaps fortunate lucky being able to afford all the expensive 77mm diameter lenses.

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  5. #5
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Hardly ever

    I only use a polarising filter for landscapes. That means going somewhere and I've hardly been anywhere this year so I don't think I've used one at all this year. I have the 77mm polariser for my big zooms but I guess I should get the 72mm for the 18-200.

    I wouldn't use a step-up ring -as someone mentioned it stops you using the lens hood - which I find far mor important than the polariser. Plus I think you might get light cut-off at the wide-angle end.

    Nikon D800, D7200, Sony RX100m3
    Not buying any more gear this year. I hope

  6. #6
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: How much do you use a polarizer filter?

    I think I was responsible for the 77mm idea... The thing is that a lot of Nikon lenses are 77mm and if you bought one of them then you'd need to buy another polarizer. Just thinking of down the road, but if you don't plan on buying a lot of lenses then maybe 72mm is a better idea. Just something to think about.

    I don't use a polarizer that often, actually - maybe 10-20% of my outside shots. It is possible to over-polarize a shot, and I'm not always looking for the most vivid colors I can get - yes, even with landscapes. Take a polarizer and Fuji Velvia slide film up into the mountains, and on a clear day you'll have a black sky!

    Another thing about polarizers is that with really wide lenses they won't polarize the sky evenly, and I'm not a fan of that effect. It's just the physics of how a polarizer works - all of them are that way. The wider the lens, the more you'll see it.

    I was using a Sigma 10-20, Tokina 28-80 and Nikon 80-200 that all use 77mm filters. I used to have a Tokina 80-400 that took 72mm, so I just got a step-up ring for it and didn't use a lens hood with the polarizer - at least in that case. I use primes for specific reasons - low light, generally, so I rarely use filters of any type with them.

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