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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Blaine, Washington

    Epson 2200 Roller tracks!!! Help

    In an effort to improve my prints, I retired my Epson 860 and purchased the 2200. Thus far it looks like a big mistake, as the 2200 has yet to print anything which isn't totally ruined by markings from the rollers.

    I refer to the rubber rollers along the front edge of the printer. They seem to be picking up ink from the print as it passes beneath them, resulting in pale linear smudging running the entire length of the print. These tracks are about 1 inch apart and the width of the rubber "tire" on the rollers.

    I have attempted to clean these with water, but it made no difference.

    As a secondary issue, the color of the prints from the 2200 is way off. The 860 was quite good. Do I need to find the right color profile or somehow change the color gamut of the printer?

    If it matters, the paper I have attempted to use is glossy photofrom Kodak.

    Thanks for any suggestions. My $600 investment weighs heavily on me at this point.

    Bill Bunker

  2. #2
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Middle Florida

    You need to... Epson Tech Support. Trust me, the problem you're having with the rollers is NOT because the printer is a 2200. You may either have a defective machine or perhaps it was not properly set up. Different papers also use different roller spacing, so if that doesn't jive, it might cause the problems you describe.

    As for color, I'd say that at least 80% determined by user configurations. IOW, YOU are in control of the color through your camera, photoshop, image file, monitor, and printer color space settings. You need take responsibility for learning how to control these things. There are several good threads in the DIGITAL IMAGING forum (which is actually where this thread should go) dealing with proper color settings with the 2200.

    These sound like minor technical issues which need to be straightened out before you truely judge the 2200. This is the printer that most pros use now, and all things considered, it delivers an absolute amazing bang for the buck.

    I've had and used one for a while now, and other than a few glitches installing it, have had nothing but fantastic results with dead on color...
    "Riding along on a carousel...tryin' to catch up to you..."

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  3. #3
    Faugh a' ballagh Sean Dempsey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    its your paper!!!!!!!!!

    you should ONLY be using Epson Premium paper. I've seen this before with HP paper as well.

    get it here
    A good craftsman never blames his tools.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Blaine, Washington

    The Paper! Of course!

    Thanks to all for your informed replies. Now that I look at the printout with the tracks across it, I realize that the rollers have had the opportunity to make one complete revolution before the tracks really get they start to transfer the ink from roller to paper, creating the trails.

    I will use up the Kodak paper in my other printer.

    I suppose I should be using those UltraChrome Inks, too, at ten dollars a cartridge!

    With regard to my color problems, I ran a color test pattern through the printer and it came out completely devoid of yellow. After I pulled the yellow cartridge to verify that the membrane was punctured (it was) and put it back, yellow was present and all is well.

    As for this being the wrong forum, why is it headed help?

    And as for taking responsibility for learning how to use this printer, I thought asking questions here would be a good step in that direction...and it was.


  5. #5
    Faugh a' ballagh Sean Dempsey's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    You gotta shake your ink cartridges. just a few times, I usually do it for about 5 seconds. Not too hard, but enough to shake them up.

    And yeah, I'd only use OEM epson 2200 ink, not off-brand stuff. Some people say they have okay results... but my friend triend one of the "cool off brands" and had to run the nozzle cleaner on his 2200 *70* times and used 3 full sets of ink before they unclogged.
    A good craftsman never blames his tools.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Blaine, Washington

    Thanks, I'm in business now!


    Thanks again for your help. I have ordered the appropriate paper and ink from Atlex as you suggested. And I will give those cartridges a little shake the next time.


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