Okay, got the bad mother up and printing. I printed out a few very small tests, then did a 13x19 on the premium glossy. I am impressed. But I have questions.
Okay, I read all over the internet about the color profiles and conflicts and images not looking right and such. Well, I had already had photoshop set to use the color profile that's embedded in the canon RAWs, so that was already set. And I assume that CS uses that color profile whenever I am working with an image from my DRebel (if not, how can I check and set it?).
So I printed out a test image at 13x19... and it looks fine to me. So now I have to determine if I am easy to please, OR the settings are set to work right. I see no obvious place where it says what color profiles the printer is using. Also, will these fabled profiles be in CS, or in the printer dialogue? Or am I too casual to care since it seems to look fine? =D
Any help would be appreciated, any tips for large format printing or whatever, I'd like them all, thanks!!