Alright guys, I am pretty attached to my fm3a and all its fully manual controls and what not, but i am sorta being forced into switching to this new digital deal for photojournalism next fall. I went and tried out the d-100, 10d, rebel and d-70 today and i wasn't overly impressed with ay of them. If i were to choose one now it would be the 10d, just because it felt the best.
Anyways, I have been looking at the Leica Digilux 2, but i havent been able toget my hands on it to test it out. Has anyone here tried it, and what are your thoughts on using it in the field of journalism, everyday stuff, of course not sports or anything requiring telephoto etc. I mean, its equiv. 28-90 covers most focal lengths i care for (wish it was slightly wider but....) ideas?
thanks - Trevor