Ive been trying to figure out what this could be for the longest time. Ive posted on several other digital camera forums, so I thought i'd try another...

Well I bought the Canon powershot a300 august 1st 2004, had it for 1 month everything worked great loved the camera for the prices, then august 31 came around when I wanted to take a sound clip of my exhaust on my car to let some people ont he internet hear it, and I tried to upload thata nd a few pics of it but all the sudden wouldnt let me upload them. This same day I switched from verizon dsl to comcast's cable internet. Usually I would be able to just plug the usb cable from the camera to the usb port on my pc and this window would pop up with about 6 different programs I could pick from to upload the images fromt he camera, I always went with the zoom ex browser. Well now when I plug in the wire to the usb port the window doesnt pop up with the programs, it makes the sound like it wants to pop up but wont, and when I take the wire out the window pops up with no programs in it.. I dont understand why it wont let me download the images to my computer, also I would just try zoom ex browser by double clicking the icon, and it just exits out, but when I take the wire out a window pops up saying "There are no images in the camera or camera folder" when I clearly have taken pics to upload.. Another thing it does is, when I opent he slider to turn the camera on to upload the pics and have the wire in, after about 3 seconds the LCD screen goes from having an image on it to just a black screen..

I pretty much tried everything, I downloaded the new version of zoom ex browser, I download the new driver from canon website (think I did it right).. uninstalled the cds it comes with and reinstalled them about 8 times.. So I took the camera back thinking it was broken, exchange the a300 for an a310 and it still does the same thing.

I tried it on my laptop as well to see if it is just my desktop pc, but it doesnt work on the laptop..then I thought I got another broken camera but it works on my cousins pc without even installing the cds..

A few people said it could have been a firewall from comcast but I have no clue what to do to fix it, and if it isnt Im even more lost on what to do..

Can anyone help me in anyway..
