It's been discussed about getting a thread or database together for film/developer times and results. I'm working on collecting all manufacturer posted times for developer/film combos and was wondering what the rest of you would like to see included for information. As an idea, here's a table that photophorous has put together:
Film Name: TriX,
Film Format: 35mm, 36 exp
Actual EI: 320 ISO
Contrast level: This is good for high to mid contrast lighting.
Presoak: Yes.
Developer Name: D76
Developer Dilution: 1 to 1
Developer Temp. 68 degrees
Developing Time: 8 min, 45 sec.
Time Measurement Technique: From start of pour-in to start of pour-out.
Tank Size: single roll, 35mm (I find that a double roll needs more vigorous agitation or longer time)
Tank Type: stainless steel
Tank Fill Level: I try to leave a little air gap above the film to let the developer slosh around during agitation.
Agitation Technique: 1 inversion (with quarter turn) per second, continuous for first 30 seconds, then 5 inversions in 5 seconds, every 30 seconds after.
Stop Bath: Water. Fill, agitate for 30 secs, drain, refill, and agitate for another 30 seconds.
Output: Film scanner.
Subject Matter Comments: I prefer this process for street/urban shooting, but I find the results to be too grainy for landscapes.
Any other thoughts or suggestions?