I'm new to this video business, but I'm very very experienced in audio land. (I make my living as an audio engineer.)
I'm looking to create audio mixing tutorials. I like the idea of using Camtasia or equivalent to capture the video on screen, but it appears that Camtasia will not work with ASIO audio drivers. So that rules out me using my high end recording setup....which basically can't happen while I'm teaching mixing tactics. So Camtasia is out.
I also like the idea of breaking up the on screen video and switching to a camera on me so that I can talk.
While I realize that I could do this separately with a standard video camera at a later time, I like the idea of conducting the entire tutorial live. I just want to sit down for an hour and hammer it out. My dream setup would have a simple A/B switch that allows me to select either a video signal from my recording computer or video signal from my little camera to be fed into some software on my video recording computer.
I'll also be running audio out of my recording computer to a mixer which I'll blend my voiceover and run that into my video recording computer simultaneously.
So, I have a few questions.
1)Does this seem like a reasonable way of creating my on-the-fly tutorials?
2)Can you make any recommendations as far as the “A/B switch”, the type of video card I'd need to the right signal out of my recording computer, the type of “capture card” I'd need for my video computer, and the type of camera I'd need for my talking?
I'm not looking to make stellar looking videos. Obviously, I don't want them to be horrible, but I'm teaching and therefore aesthetics don't have to be top notch. These will end up on DVD and MAYBE on the web a bit.
While I'm willing to pay the price to meet my goals, I'd rather not have to give up other goals to meet this one.