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Youngphoto Memory card size issues 04-23-2005, 12:46 PM
opus Re: Memory card size issues 04-23-2005, 01:35 PM
Peter_AUS Re: Memory card size issues 04-23-2005, 05:57 PM
The Ever Optimist Re: Memory card size issues 04-26-2005, 01:46 AM
  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Memory card size issues

    This may not be the right place for this question but anyway. I'm getting a nikon D70 and am wondering what size card to get. I would like to stay above 1 gig to be safe but other than that im not sure what to get.


  2. #2
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Memory card size issues

    my biggest card is a 1 gig, and I'm not sure I'd go bigger than that, personally, because of download time. If you have a huge card, your download times will be huge. Do you want to wait around so long for your pictures to download all the time?

    I have several size cards (I staggered their purchase so it wasn't such a big bite out of the budget).

    I have a 1 gig, which is my card of choice when I'm out and about, traveling and such, or at a sporting event.

    I have a 512 mb card, which I also bring along to use while my 1 gig is downloading. Otherwise, I'll take that card with me when I'm making short trips around town, or I'll just keep it in the camera for those times I just pick it up for a few shots here and there.

    I also have a 32 mb card, which is mostly useless, but I will use it for the occasional trip into the yard to shoot little things around the house, or if I'm grabbing a moon shot or a sunset or something nearby. I'll also use it for the "junk" pictures, where I'm capturing an image for use as a reference, rather than as a photograph, at a lower resolution. (For instance, I grabbed a shot of Ellen Degeneres off the TV in order to reference it for a sculpture I was making.) I'll also put that one into my Canon S500, where I get smaller files. AND, I always carry it around for those times when I use up my 1 gig and my 512, so that I can get "just that final picture" before running back to my laptop to download them all.

    I also have another 512 which is a recent purchase, so now I think I have "enough".
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Memory card size issues

    Unless you don't really care about loosing your shots, I personally won't use bigger than 1G, I have 2 256 cards as well and use them when the 1G is full and transfering info to an image tank or to the computer. It is only the pros that need the bigger cards I think. Us enthusiasts don't really need anything over 1G.

    Just my thoughts.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Re: Memory card size issues

    I would go with what everyone else is saying.
    I just bought a D70 and instead of 1 1GB card, i bought 2 512 mb cards simply because i dont want to stop shooting when i am downloading pics.
    Esspecially when a lot of the portable storage devices take forever to transfer pics (15 minutes or more) on to their Hard drive.
    Of course the danger is that i might leave the spare card somewhere but at the same time if one got spoiled, it wouldnt hurt so bad : )

    Hope this helps!

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