Hi there all. I'm a casual photographer and new to this forum, and looking for some expert advise.
I was given a Nikon D40x digital camera at my retirement party. I love the camera for it's small size, and ease of use. Like many other folks, I would like to upgrade in order to obtain higher quality, sharper and crisper images. After a month of extremely frustrating research, I am down to the Nikon D90 and the Pentax K7. Both of them seem to be highly rated.
What scares me to death is spending the money just to find it sitting on my shelf so to speak, due to the complexity of these cameras. They are loaded with too many parameters that need proper setting, and I am not prepared or so inclined to go to school in order to learn how to get the most out of these cameras. Here is my question, are they as difficult to use as I think they are or is the auto point and shoot mode as simple and as effective as on my Nikon D40x ?
Also, would I be better off just upgrading to some high end Nikon lenses for my current camera.
Any input and or advise would be greatly appreciated.