I am almost certain to buy a Nikon D70 this fall, and will probably get the kit lens with it, based on advice here and elsewhere, mostly because I don't have anything wide angle in my existing setup and won't be able to afford anything really good any time soon.
So that leaves me wondering about flashes. I have three already (Sb80DX, an older Sigma and the Sunpak PZ5000AF) but based on what I have read here it doesn't sound too promising for them to work well with the D70. So that leaves two choices, the SB600 or the 800. I had assumed I should just buy the 800 but Ken Rockwell's web site says the 600 is more frugal on batteries and recycles faster for little loss in performance.*Any suggestions?
And any other suggestions for an all-around lens that would be a better choice than the kit lens?