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  1. #51
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Is there any consideration for cameras that have wide dynamic ranges? It would seem to me that strictly talking senor quality, the one that most closely mimics what the eye sees would be the best.

  2. #52
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Quote Originally Posted by AgmLauncher
    Is there any consideration for cameras that have wide dynamic ranges? It would seem to me that strictly talking senor quality, the one that most closely mimics what the eye sees would be the best.
    Great idea, but the problem is that all cameras are shooting 12 bit colour and most editing is in 8 bit lesser range colour. The technical reason is that more colours and greater dynamic range in the image create bigger files, slower processing, longer time between taking pictures, greater capacity flash cards, and more sophisticated technology to edit and print.

    From a tech standpoint, we are simply not there yet and all cameras are at a less than ideal, limited level of quality, but progress is being made and the trend is toward better quality and a more reasonable price.


  3. #53
    Member danag42's Avatar
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    Wink Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy B
    The answer to this whole question is simple really. The best Digital SLR is the one which produces images which your clients like. At the end of the day though, as a previous poster said - it's the photographer that counts. Cameras are stupid, photographers are clever.
    And my customers dont give a rat's @ss what I take the photo with, as long as it suits their purpose. When I did archatecture, it was a 4x5 TOYO. Now that I'm doing a lot of studio photography, I'm using DSLR's. Since I have a stable of top-notch Pentax lenses, the *st D was the obvious choice, the lens is what counts. The body just holds the film/sensor so the lens can create an image.

    Now the K10D is a hopeful sign that Pentax is going to enter the pro small DSLR market, since medium format (their usual pro market) is kind of drying up. In New York, the big ad agencies demand zillion megapixel MF backs so they can print a double-gate spread through a 150 line screen, effectively using the same resolutin that a 5 or 6 megapixel camera produces. But they've been hoisted on their own petard, they swallowed their own propaganda!

    Pixelitis is a serious condition. There is no known cure. Perhaps medical advances will allow the poor suffering clods to be cured, but I'm not holding my breath!

  4. #54
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    I agree with the last few statements...

    I knew I wanted a dslr that was easy to hold and use and my oly e500 meets those needs. I love taking pictures, I've got two kids so my oly is a part of my body of course!

    I love how it fits in my hand, and, with the kit lens, 14-45mm, it is not too heavy to work with during a photo session. Based on other reviews of other lenses that I hope to acquire soon, it looks like this is the case for most of the lenses oly has for the 4 thirds system.

    I also appreciate the easy to read manual, since this IS my first dslr camera and the camera itself has been fun and not too hard to figure out which is important to me since I took no photography classes in school and therefor am learning on my own by trial and error and research of the manual and places like this site!

    Although it's true that you need to know how to take good pictures no matter what camera you get, it's probably good to know your camera and how it works as well! (I'm still playing with the apeture and shutter speeds!).

  5. #55
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I am a professional Photographer in SF; I have a Nikon System, including D70; I am thinking of purchasing a Nikon D80 or D200 or a Fuji S5; I realize the price points range from $1,000 to almost $2,000;

    Which one to choose?

    bram goodwin

  6. #56
    Bec is offline
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?


    Right. Well..I've read virtually all the comments here and I'm royally confused.

    I'm extremly new to photography but don't get me wrong..I am totally passionate about getting into it.

    I really want a DSLR but like I said before - completly and utterly confused on which one to get. I've been looking at the latest models 400D/D80 and also the older models 300D/350D, the D40/D50. I've read the consumer reviews on Which? and also your comments as well as comparing them all.

    But I'm on a budget, I'm willing to wait until I have the money saved to get one and to get all the experience in as I can using my parents Fuji S9500 (which is on permanant loan at the moment!)

    So..can you help me?



  7. #57
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I can remember a long, loooooonnnggg time ago when my mother used to buy my pants two sizes too big. She said, "you'll grow into em"!

    Do the same with a camera system. Buy the best you can afford, best camera, best lenses, best tiipod, etc. You will grow into it. Biggest problem is knowing which is real quality. Find yourself a mentor if possible. Someone that is already where you're headed. I bet they will be glad to help.

  8. #58
    Active Amateur havana_joe's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Bec- personally, I love my D40, and the money I saved by getting this lower priced model allowed me to get a flash and a really nice 35mm 1.8 lens. The body is really not the most important thing, good glass is much more important in the long run. If I had spent more, I'd only have a kit lens and no flash, and my pictures would not come out as good. I say go D40, learn to use it and some basic photography habits, then buy a flash and a good lens. You can always buy a bigger/better/newer body in the future, but you'll start out with a nice camera to learn on and a good start in building your set of gear!

    Olympus E-PL1

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  9. #59
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    There does come a point, or so I think, that when a body can make even good lenses perform much better, then it IS time to think body instead of lenses.
    I am thinking specifically about the several camera that have so much better noise reduction at high iso which makes a lot of photo opportunities more realistic even with fast lenses.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  10. #60
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    Wink Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    [COLOR="purple"][FONT="Georgia"]I need help! I'm going to be purchasing my very first DSLR camera and just when I thought I had narrowed my search down to 2 cameras, I was just given info. today that is now making me look in a whole other direction.

    I originally was wanting to purchase either the Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS Rebel T1i.
    However, when talking with some salesmen earlier today they all completely tried to steer me away from Nikon due to their plastic lenses that they say aren't comparable to Canon's lenses??? That was news to me..what are your thoughts?

    I was also enlightened with the new Canon T2i model today as well as the Canon 50D.
    So now instead of 2 models, I now have 4 I'm trying to decipher between. I'm really wanting to stay under $1500 and preferably around $900, but I'm willing to spend an extra few hundred dollars if that means much better quality and a camera that will be sufficient for years and years to come.

    My main purpose for getting a DSLR is my daughter who is now 18 months old. I literally take pics of her daily, my husband is always giving me a hard time!
    However, with the point and shoot sony cybershot camera I have now, I always miss so many "moments" with the delay of the camera. I really want something that's quick but also that says professional quality when it's printed.
    I like the idea of having a video camera/DSLR all in one which is what drew me to the first two options in the first place and I know the Canon 50D doesn't have the video option like the other 3. BUT if the 50D is a much better Picture taker, then I'd give up the video...if not, which camera would be best for me?
    As my daughter gets older I'm sure there will be sports/games to take pics of so I just want something that will keep up. I love shooting pics of wildlife/animals as well.


    And even if you want to shoot down all 4 cameras I have now narrowed my list down to and suggest a completely different option, I'm all ears!!

    Thank you everyone, I look forward to hearing back from you!

  11. #61
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Salesmen are notoriously uninformed and/or biasedl
    I'm sending a note to this forums moderator to have your post moved so it will be a new thread. Not sure that can be done but if not, it would be wise for you to post your inquiry as a new thread.
    Welcome and hope you will find the info you need!
    Have you considered the Nikon D90?
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  12. #62
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Canon makes an excellent product and theres plenty of reason to be enthusiastic about them. Calling Nikon lens 'cheap plastic' in comparison is a severe misstatement though.

    If you want to use more advanced camera options, the Canon 40D, Nikon D90 ar ethe two worth looking at. If you plan on never leaving the dummy mode, then there is really no benefit going up from a T2i or D5000...

  13. #63
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I think that you should talk to some other salesmen. They are trying to steer you towards some higher-priced models that you don't need

    >> I originally was wanting to purchase either the Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS Rebel T1i.
    However, when talking with some salesmen earlier today they all completely tried to steer me away from Nikon due to their plastic lenses that they say aren't comparable to Canon's lenses??? That was news to me..what are your thoughts?

    All manufacturers entry-level/kit lenses are made of plastic. For a long time the Canon ones (the 18-55) were pretty poor while the Nikon ones were and still are pretty good but with the latest version (with IS) Canon have come up to Nikon's level. Avoid the mostly-metal Canon 17-85 IS lens - it isn't sharp enough to match the sensor of the latest bodies (T2i).

    >>I was also enlightened with the new Canon T2i model today as well as the Canon 50D.
    So now instead of 2 models, I now have 4 I'm trying to decipher between. I'm really wanting to stay under $1500 and preferably around $900, but I'm willing to spend an extra few hundred dollars if that means much better quality and a camera that will be sufficient for years and years to come.

    The 50D is the same sensor as the Rebel T1i in a better body. It's intended for professionals who need to shoot fast-moving action (sports). Don't spend a lot of money thinking you'll keep the camera for a long time - you won't. Buy something you can easily afford and change every 3-4 years.

    >> My main purpose for getting a DSLR is my daughter who is now 18 months old. I literally take pics of her daily, my husband is always giving me a hard time!
    However, with the point and shoot sony cybershot camera I have now, I always miss so many "moments" with the delay of the camera. I really want something that's quick but also that says professional quality when it's printed.

    Same needs as most people who buy a consumer DSLR. Just about any entry-level model should satisfy you.

    >>I like the idea of having a video camera/DSLR all in one which is what drew me to the first two options in the first place and I know the Canon 50D doesn't have the video option like the other 3. BUT if the 50D is a much better Picture taker, then I'd give up the video...if not, which camera would be best for me?

    Current DSLR's are not very good at doing video (no autofocus while filming). The 50D is a more sophisticated tool than the T1i if you learn how to use it. If you just use it as a point and shoot then I don't think you would see any difference in the results.

    >>As my daughter gets older I'm sure there will be sports/games to take pics of so I just want something that will keep up. I love shooting pics of wildlife/animals as well.

    If you are in good light (outdoors) then a consumer camera and lenses should be enough. If you're shooting sports indoors or at night then this needs some more serious equipment. But your daughter is only 18 months old. Get a Rebel or a D5000 for the next 4 years then see where you go.

    Nikon D800, D7200, Sony RX100m3
    Not buying any more gear this year. I hope

  14. #64
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I dont think we should discourage the pro-bodies like the D90 and 40D, which aren't a lot more than the D5000/T1i anyway. The benefit is quite a bit more than just sports and autofocus, they are universally better for manual input and manual controls, as well as having a better build, feature set, and grip.

    Good gear does help out for more than just indoor sports.

  15. #65
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    The Canon 50D has no vari-program modes (sports, portraits, night, etc.). If you buy one then you're supposed to know how to set the camera up to do these subjects in the best way. Might be a difficult step for someone coming from a point-and-shoot.

    The Nikon D90 might be the best compromise. We often recommend it to people arriving on the forum. It has the same vari-program modes as the entry-level cameras (D5000) but it doesn't have their limitations (full compatibility with older lenses, big viewfinder, etc.)

    Nikon D800, D7200, Sony RX100m3
    Not buying any more gear this year. I hope

  16. #66
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Dont know why you think that, but the 50D does actually have the dummy modes, it has every single one you mentioned actually.

    Further, I dont know how much credence we should apply to such program modes anyway, I think they are little more than a marketing tool.

  17. #67
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol
    Dont know why you think that, but the 50D does actually have the dummy modes, it has every single one you mentioned actually.

    Further, I dont know how much credence we should apply to such program modes anyway, I think they are little more than a marketing tool.
    WOW I take it all back. I thought that Canon left the modes out on the professional models (example: 7D)

    I use the dummy modes on my Nikon D60 occasionally. It's the only way to activate some features like continuous focussing/tracking. The choices made by the engineers in the program modes are very smart. Makes me wonder if I'm always making the best choices when I use my pro bodies.

    Nikon D800, D7200, Sony RX100m3
    Not buying any more gear this year. I hope

  18. #68
    Member gryphonslair99's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Best DSLR is the one that gets the job done. :thumbsup:

  19. #69
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I have taking pictures for fifty+ years, P/S for four years and had a good time. Then one day I started researching DSLR cameras for something to do that day not that I needed a new system, just looking and after a month or so I said what the heck and ordered a new Pentax K5 with the kit lense 18-55mm.
    I have 11 good real old lenses from 1.4 to 4 and they took real nice pictures on the 35mm format now I have taken some real good ones with these lenses and the K5, even tho you have to manual focus so I will use them for landscape and static photos.
    I just ordered the Pentax 55-300mm lense for my main kit, walk around set up street photos as people don't even see you until you have snapped it, should be fun.
    Is there anyone out there with the K5 and 55-300 lense that would give up some info. on how you like and dislike the set up.
    Thanks Rick

  20. #70
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Welcome to, Rick! Where in Utah do you live? I am in Sandy

    For some dedicated Pentax discussion you should probably post on our Pentax cameras forum. It's not the busiest forum on the site but we do have Pentax users and a couple of good moderators on that forum. And a new Pentax fan would be great!

    Pentax Camera Forum >>

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  21. #71
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Does anybody have an opinion on whether the T3i is worth the extra $100 over the T2i?

  22. #72
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I went from a Nikon film 35mm to a Pentax ist DL because the sales package price was all I could afford at the time. I've not seen a reason to be disappointed in what I have. I've read about the ist DL being slow, but it's never let me down. It's only a 6 meg camera, yet I have printed on 13x19 paper for 6 years and get good results.

  23. #73
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ransch View Post
    I went from a Nikon film 35mm to a Pentax ist DL because the sales package price was all I could afford at the time. I've not seen a reason to be disappointed in what I have. I've read about the ist DL being slow, but it's never let me down. It's only a 6 meg camera, yet I have printed on 13x19 paper for 6 years and get good results.
    Welcome to the site, Ransch! Six megapixels is plenty if you've got good light, you expose right and you set up your files right. My first digital SLR was a 4-megapixel Canon EOS-1D. I had lots of stuff from that camera published in magazines. Newer cameras will outperform older ones but if yours is getting the job done, no need to throw your money away

    Have you found our Pentax forum yet? We can always use a new Pentax shooter there:

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  24. #74
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    Hi Ransch...Welcome to PR and glad to see another "long time" *ist DL shooter. Like you, I am extremely happy with my choice of cameras. I'm sure we would all love to have the money to upgrade to the latest and greatest, but for me $$$ is a factor in every decision I make. I also have a Nikon D50. Great camera. More megapixels. But, my Pentax is my camera of choice for most of my photography. I am currently considering the K5 or possibly the K7 since I now do a lot of night photography and I find both my Pentax and Nikon just aren't fully up to the challenge, but do an acceptable job most of the time.
    Like PJ above said, come over and join us in the Pentax forum. We would love to see some of your photographs -
    I am one of the moderators over there.
    Happy shooting,

    Click these links for the K5 Review Page and the K7 Review Page
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    The K-Teams Updated Logo CLICK HERE to add a link. Many thanx go to Axle for his hard work.

    Nikon Samurai #20

  25. #75
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    Re: FAQ: What is the best digital SLR?

    I always thought it was the one you couldn't afford.

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