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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    D70 and manual lenses

    Can anyone tell me if a mf lens such as this will work in manual mode on the D70



  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: D70 and manual lenses

    According to the specs of what the ebay site said - yes. JUST DO NOT EVER MOUNT A NON AI lens to the D70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You do know that you will have to use the lens in manual mode.

  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: D70 and manual lenses

    I can't imagine that there would be a problem with it, but like the other poster says you'll have to manually meter with it (and manually focus, of course). If it does have a CPU in it (doubtful) then it will meter with the camera. You could tell if it didn't have the rear lens cap on it as it does in this picture. Look for a row of about 6 or 7 round contacts at the end of the lens mount, which would make contact inside the camera so they're not visible once the lens is mounted.

    Two things - the seller says something about focusing on infinity. A 400mm lens will have a very short depth of field, and long lenses like this sometimes can focus past infinity so you'll probably wind up with most or all out of focus shots this way. Also, not having use of the camera's meter might be a problem. It wouldn't under controlled lighting situations like in a studio - but then you wouldn't use a 400 in a studio either!

    A good 400 that I don't own personally but have used a couple of times with my Fuji S2 (built on an N80 and has the same AF system as the D70) is the Tokina 400 f5.6 AT-X. It's been discontinued for a couple of years and you could find a nice one for about the same price. It's an autofocus lens and although the AF speed is fairly slow, it will meter with the camera. Sharp lens, why don't I have one?? ;) Think I read somewhere that some of these lenses may have to be updated by Tokina to work though - might want to call them to be sure.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: D70 and manual lenses

    Just to say THANK YOU very much for taking the time to reply

    Especially -another view.

    You have no idea how helpful I found your reply.

    Thanks again


  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Talking Re: D70 and manual lenses

    I'm searching everywhere for one of them Tokina Lenses but they are scarcer than hens' teeth!

    In the meantime I have seen this lens in a window here in Ireland

    Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210mm lens1:4-5.6 70-210mm

    It is in very good shape - I examined it. I would say its about 2/3 yrs old with not too much wear & tear. They are looking for €125 (say about $160) for this lens.

    Is it over-priced ot does anyone think it is a good lens to have as part of a few?

    Thanks for all the help.!!

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