Hopefully I don't accidentally double post this. . .
Just got a D70, know virtually nothing about digital photography. I held out for a LONG time on going digital because I wanted the flexibility afforded by an SLR. Lots of questions, though:
Auto white balance doesn't even seem to be close. Is that normal? Every time I've done test/comparison shots, it seems I'm always WAY better off manually setting it. Is that something that can be completely corrected post-shooting if I blow it, or is it like exposure (where if you lose some detail in the shadows or blow out your highlights you'll never get 'em back, no matter how much you mess with it)?
Color: I've got some photos of friends' kids and stuff that they took with their digital point and shoots and then e-mailed me. When I transferred my first batch from the camera to my computer I noticed that all my pictures from the D70 are bluish. Is this because I have all the color settings (hue, saturation, set at 0 or normal? Again- is this one of those things I can fool with after, or should I set them in the camera? What will offer me the most flexibility?
Imaging software: Right now all I have is the Nikon software that came with the camera (which doesn't do much. . .) and Arcsoft photoimpression (came with my scanner). Now that I spent all of my money on the camera, I won't be able to afford photoshop for a while, and it seems that Gimp doesn't work on Mac OS 10.2. Any suggestions on books, workflow etc. that might help?
Any help will be greatly appreciated,