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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Your thoughts on those who went mostly from film to digital

    Hello photo community,

    I would like your fellings, thoughts, & imput on this.

    I used to do a lot of photography in my earlier days but now I seem to just want to get a image (still a decent one) and put the pictures in an album or make at the most a 8x10.

    I realize that its subjective but it looks like digital is equal to 35mm film now and for those of you who jumped totally or maimly to digital only, I was wondering what you think about leaving film behind. Do you still miss it? Find that you some times wish that you had a film camera instead of digital? Why? The only 3 advantages I can see in keeping film cameras are these:
    1)Some (of my) film cameras do NOT need a battery and digital chews up power like crazy.
    2) Hard (still) to get a good wide angle lens 24mm or less for the digital format.
    3) Film cameras are still cheaper than the film counter parts (DSLR/SLRs).

    Sure would like your imput and if you could give your age. Not trying to be nosy, but I find that the older generation has a harder time w/ change and the younger ones just "grew up" w/ the new stuff and don't know about the older ways of doing things so it's not important to them. I know that when I pick up my Nikon F2s, F3 or FM its like a familiar friend. But I still have 5 film cameras and 4 of them are 20 years old or older! Time for me to get in this century? I had a hard time getting rid of my Nikon F. Digital sure has its advantages. I love the lcd screen! Delete the bad shots w/out having to pay for them!

    Ok I rambled on and for those of you w/ a D70, please read my other post in the digital secion of this forum.

    Thanks so much

    Fat Boy

  2. #2
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Your thoughts on those who went mostly from film to digital

    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Boy
    Hello photo community,

    I would like your fellings, thoughts, & imput on this.

    I used to do a lot of photography in my earlier days but now I seem to just want to get a image (still a decent one) and put the pictures in an album or make at the most a 8x10.

    I realize that its subjective but it looks like digital is equal to 35mm film now and for those of you who jumped totally or maimly to digital only, I was wondering what you think about leaving film behind. Do you still miss it? Find that you some times wish that you had a film camera instead of digital? Why? The only 3 advantages I can see in keeping film cameras are these:
    1)Some (of my) film cameras do NOT need a battery and digital chews up power like crazy.
    2) Hard (still) to get a good wide angle lens 24mm or less for the digital format.
    3) Film cameras are still cheaper than the film counter parts (DSLR/SLRs).

    Sure would like your imput and if you could give your age. Not trying to be nosy, but I find that the older generation has a harder time w/ change and the younger ones just "grew up" w/ the new stuff and don't know about the older ways of doing things so it's not important to them. I know that when I pick up my Nikon F2s, F3 or FM its like a familiar friend. But I still have 5 film cameras and 4 of them are 20 years old or older! Time for me to get in this century? I had a hard time getting rid of my Nikon F. Digital sure has its advantages. I love the lcd screen! Delete the bad shots w/out having to pay for them!

    Ok I rambled on and for those of you w/ a D70, please read my other post in the digital secion of this forum.

    Thanks so much

    Fat Boy
    Well, as many already know, I am purely digital and have no desire to ever go back to what I see as the severe limitations of film. I used to shoot a token roll of fil;m through my Pentax LX once a year but even that hasn't happened in a while. The same thing happened when I switched from typewriters to word processors!

    For me, having such complete control over each and every image, shooting as many frames as I want for free, and instant feedback win easily over anything the analog world has to offer.

    As for your comments...

    1. Most film cameras that people use do eat up batteries. I know my EOS-3 was always hungry. Look at the frames per battery you get. Those huge BP-511/512 used by Canon last a very long time.

    2. Yes, wide angle was a problem up until recently. For the last few months, new wide angles have emerged. The new Canon 10mm zoom looks nice. I have solved this "wide angle problem" by doing mini-panoramas. The result is actually more pleasing to my eye.

    3. Film cameras are MUCH more expensive than digital. Sure, the up-front pricing is attractive but that is quickly overwhelmed by the continuous high prices for film and developing each 36-frame roll. You have to look at the real price, not the catch-your-eye price.
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