ive been trying to decide whether to get the fujifilm finepix f700, canon powershot s60, or a olympus c60.
the finepix is *really* a 3.1 MP camera, but has a new innovative Fuji image sensor that allows up to 6.2 MP.
the canon has: 5.0 megapixels (effective), 3.6x optical zoom/4.1x digital zoom, auto and manual focus, program and manual exposure, JPEG and RAW file formats, ISO range 50-400, proprietary Lithium-Ion battery, movie mode with sound.
the fuji has: 3.1 megapixels, 3x optical/2.2x digital zoom, auto and manual focus, program and manual exposure, JPEG file format only, ISO range 160-400, proprietary Lithium-Ion battery, movie mode with sound.
the olympus has: 5.9 megapixels (effective), 3x optical zoom/4x digital zoom, auto focus only? im not sure., program and manual exposure, JPEG and TIFF format, ISO range 64 - 400, proprietary Lithium-Ion battery, movie mode with sound i think, remote control.
what is the ISO range thing about?
are there any other cameras you might suggest?
im a beginner in the Digital Camera world. im not a photographer or anything, i just want a camera for everyday life, or whatnot.