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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Picture Project - Help!

    I just got a Nikon D70, and packed with the camera was photo-handling software called "Picture Project". I have had nothing but trouble with it. When I first loaded it, it wouldn't run, so I uninstalled it, then re-installed it. At that point, it decided to function. I was able to transfer my pictures from the D70 to the software, but I have further frustrations. How do you make the picture big enough to work with? I slid the "magnifying glass" icon to the right, and the picture enlarged some, but not very much. How do I get it to fill up most of the screen on my monitor? Is that little, dinky frame as big as it will get?
    Second question: Now that the pictures are in the software installed on my hard-drive, where are they? What folder are they in? I looked in the Picture Project folder, but it is full of folders. All the ones I clicked on did not contain my pictures. Where the hell are they? I am beginning to have serious doubts about this software. Has anyone else faced these frustrations? What did you do to solve this? What photo-handling software is best? Is it Photoshop? Will Photoshop allow you to catalogue your photos?

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Imaging Software

    A long time ago I stopped using manufacturer-supplied digital camera software. It seems that camera companies make good cameras, but often, their software is pretty poor. I use card readers to transfer image files to my computer so that I don't have to ever connect my cameras.

    Basically, you're talking about digital photography workflow. This is a huge subject, and there are no definitive answers. Since serious digital workflow is more of a high-level subject than the General Digital Cameras forum was meant for, you might want to repost on the Digital SLRs or Digital Imaging forums. Uwe Steinmueller, the Digital SLRs forum moderator, has written a lot about workflow. He sells PDF booklets on digital workflow. He should have a lot of advice to offer. I believe he has a D70, so he may have some very specific advice regarding your camera. In any case, there's a bit of a learning curve when you get serious about digital photography. You're just starting to discover it. It's worth asking a lot of questions right now so that you don't run into bigger problems later.

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