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  1. #1
    Member erich_vasconcelos's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Trondheim, Norway

    Opinion on which camera is a great buy

    I'm living in doubt.

    I've come across an used Sony cybershot model DSC-F717 for sale, and found in love with its fantastic lens - nothing less than a Carl Zeiss Vario Sonar (f2.0-2.4). Besides that the camera have pretty good specs too, and I don't mind its 5 megapixels, or only 5x zoom. All that for a low price.

    On the other hand I have been looking at the new DSC-H2 from Sony. But its lens is somewhat slower (f2.8-3.7), albeit it offers 12x zoom.

    And I found out it is still possible to buy the Panasonic FZ5, with Leica 12x zoom lens (F2,8-3,2).

    The F717 is about half the price of a brand new H2. The FZ5 costs a little more that the used F717 but is cheaper than the H2.

    I am looking for a camera that offers the best picture quality, with the best colour fidelity and broader dynamic range as possible. And no, for now I don't want to move up to a DSLR.

    Does anyone has good/bad experiences with one or more of the cameras above?
    Which one do you think is a better buy?

    I need all the help I can get...

    - There is no such thing as an ugly woman; just an unskilled photoshop user. (Erich Vasconcelos)

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Opinion on which camera is a great buy

    I think I'd buy the newer camera. I have used the Sony F828 extensively. And although it is a very nice camera, I think digital camera sensor and processor technology has improved a lot since the F717 was one of the top compact digital cameras. A newer camera will have better image quality and be faster in terms of start-up, shutter-lag, and shot-to-shot time. Plus, both the H5 and the Panasonic have optical image stabilization which will deliver more sharp photos.

    I like the statement in your signature. It's funny

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  3. #3
    Junior Member CyberF828's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Opinion on which camera is a great buy

    I think the DSC-F717 is a nice camera my friend has one. I use a F828 which are also cheap now when you find them.

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