I've been given an Olympus C-5060 Wide Zoom to play with for a while. Yesterday was my first real opportunity to shoot with it. I took it riding but that didn't work out for photos. So after the ride was over I hurried out to the water to get some evening shots. The weather was funny. It was supposed to be sunny, but then it clouded up and even rained a little. But right about when we stopped riding, it cleared up again and presented me with a great evening for photos. And Santa Cruz has great light in the winter.
These photos were all taken at ISO 200, a setting which I don't really like for compact digital cameras because it's usually fairly noisy. That was the case with the 5060, too. But the big deal with this camera is that it has a true wide-angle lens. Most compact digitals are equivalent to 35mm on the wide end. The 5060 goes to 28mm. Since I like to shoot really wide, this is important to me. I didn't take advantage of it yesterday, but I definitely will later.