I am not sure I have the right Forum, so help me out if it is wrong. I have been doing jewelry photography for a website and some contest entries. I had been using a Fuji FinePix E510 and was happy with the results. I broke that camera and replaced it with the same model from eBay. I had not used it for any serious work since I bought it and then found out the edge of the image was always out of focus. Time for a new camera.
Since most of my work is going to be inside some entangling lighting booth, I was attracted to a tethered setup where I could fix the camera inside the lighting booth and do exposure adjustments and trigger the shutter from a PC. I have not found much information on what camera models provide this tethered capability. For example, it seems the Canon EOS line might provide "EOS Capture" software bundled with the camera, but maybe only on DSLRs. Nikon seems to provide software for $150 that supports certain models. I also found independent (from a camera company) software.
When I checked out the DSLRs (used to do 35 mm decades ago) at Best Buy, the stock 11-150 zooms did not quite get close enough for my needs and when I compared to a non-DLSR with macro capability, I was happy.
So the question is, are there any non-DSLR cameras that provide a tethered capability?