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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    I'm heading to Iraq SOON. I need a digital camera to take with me. It needs to be small enough to carry with all the other gear I'll have with me, easy enough to use, and rugged enough to survive occasional bumps and thumps.

    Minimum criteria I am looking for:
    - 3.2 mexapixel
    - Compact Design (small to medium, prefer a more uniform shape to something resembling an SLR. Needs to be easily stored.)
    - 3x optical zoom
    - Prefer AA battery power (AA’s are easy to come by. A/C power to charge a proprietary battery may not be)
    - ISO 400 or higher. Need camera to be able to focus fast and shoot FAST.
    - $275 price ceiling - negotiable. Of course, less expensive is better. But functionality rules over price. Just don't want to put hundreds of dollars into a camera and have it break a week later.

    I have a Fuji Finepix 3800 now. It's about the right size but just a bit too bulky. However, the main reasons I don’t want to take it are because it has trouble focusing and taking pictures in low light (dusk or evening - example: Can't autofocus on a person 6-8' away sitting in a chair next to a lamp with 40-50 watt bulb), and its ISO 100 only and it takes too long to take a picture. From button pressure to shutter closure, subjects move and blur a lot. Other than those items, I am very satisfied with the 3800.

    So using the Finepix 3800 as a baseline and understanding what I don’t like about it along with what I need to deploy with, can anyone suggest or recommend an upgrade?


  2. #2
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    Is shutter lag something you just can't get away from in a $200-300 consumer level point and shoot digital? Cutting through all the marketing hype, is there a good way for me to determine which camera has the least amount of lag?

    Update to requirements: Not too concerned about video. Would buy a video camera if I wanted that.

    Looking around, keep coming back to Canon Powershot A95. Also, Panasonic Lumix LC50, 70, and 80 all seem to have feature sets I am looking for. However, several reviews for all of them talk to shutter lag that has me shying away.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    Narrowing the field.....Fuji Finepix E550. Not for the high mp count but for the speed of operation and response. Opinions?

  4. #4
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by bensonjv
    Narrowing the field.....Fuji Finepix E550. Not for the high mp count but for the speed of operation and response. Opinions?
    I would suggest that you look at the Pentax WR series of digital cameras. These weather-sealed cameras will prove handy in blowing sand and rugged conditions.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    one of the common improvements over the last couple of years has been staert-ups getting faster and auto focus getting better..

    dont expect noisless results at ISO 400 or higher.. i think 200 is still about the limit for acceptable results.. there are quite a few small "fit in the shirt pocket" type cameras out there at the moment that do a good job.. in fact a surprizingly good job..

    i know that 3 mega pixels are enough.. but dont limit your choice to 3 cos mega pixels sell cameras and most of the better ones around your price range will tend to have more.. and dont expect 6 or more x zoom with the "shirt pocket" format.. cos they just dont come that way..

    also most of the cameras currently available will stand the odd knock.. but none of em like being dropped.. dont be put of by the plastic factor either..

    Konica Minolta have a nice range check those out..


    ps.. seems the range has suddenly got bigger.. he he

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    Fuji Finepix E550.. seems an okay choice.. just a little biiger than i thought u wanted.. not really a shirt pocket job..

    things have got better but the ability to simply raise the camera and press the button isnt there yet.. with my first digital half the pictures i took were of my feet.... he he..


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    You are right, the E550 isn't shirt pocket small. But I was thinking basebell size or smaller was ok. Larger, softball sized were not. Something around the size of the old Canon Snappy series 35mm. Figured that was small enough to fit in a pocket. Doesn't the E550 fall in that range? Granted its on the higher end of the price window. I'm most concerned with speed of operation. Tired of the long separation between pushing the button and the picture actually being taken. Too many missed and out of focus shots with the Finepix 3800.

  8. #8
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by bensonjv
    You are right, the E550 isn't shirt pocket small. But I was thinking basebell size or smaller was ok. Larger, softball sized were not. Something around the size of the old Canon Snappy series 35mm. Figured that was small enough to fit in a pocket. Doesn't the E550 fall in that range? Granted its on the higher end of the price window. I'm most concerned with speed of operation. Tired of the long separation between pushing the button and the picture actually being taken. Too many missed and out of focus shots with the Finepix 3800.
    Well i don't know if you want to spend this much, but the Olympus C-7070 is and 7.1mp camera that is of a fairly small size, and it has many of the functions of higherend Dslr's including the abilty to capture in raw and uncompressed tiff's. It's not chep though, around $700.00, but you get a lot for the money.

    good luck,

    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    dunno its looks more kinda chunky mini slr shaped to me.. not kinda flat cigarrarette packet shaped like the real shirt pocket ones.. ... he he he..

    the longer zoom ones tend to be the "Chunky" squarish kinda shape like your 3800.. the 3 x zoom ones tend to be the flat cigararette packet shapes..

    highly technical stuff hey..

    u need to handle a few to get a real idea of size thow.. the shape dosnt affect the speed or picture quality really.. except longer zooms dont come in flat packages.. some day they might then the chunky shape will probably disappear..

    personally i like the chunky ones to handle and i also like the zoom but a real "candid" camera that is always on your person ready for instant use needs to be the flat easily concealable shape..

    u might not like the "slowness" of your 3800 but i bet u would miss the nice zoom if u didnt have it.. i would.. 6 has turned into 10 now in a similar sized package..

    still u know your needs better than i do.. just trying to point out some basic things about camera sizes and shapes and how important small is if u really do intend to have your camera with u all the time..


  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Re: Need digital camera to take to Iraq

    I like the "chunky" ones also. Noticed what you said - that more capability are in smaller packages. For me, they almost seem too small. That's why I said I wanted something Snappy-sized. Feels right-sized in my hands.

    Also correct, despite the limited ISO-100 only of the 3800, I do really appreciate the 6x optical zoom and definitely would miss it. The base camera size is acceptable. However, the lens lacks a built in cover. To protect it, I added a 55mm adapter ring and a UV filter. That adds another 1.5� to the front. That is just enough to make it too bulky. I would take the 3800 with me it weren't for the ISO limitation and the extra size of the filter/adapter ring.

    Guess the most important reason for leaving this one is the wife. She needs one at home and the 3800 is her favorite.

    I�m basically fixated on the Canon A95 and Fuji E550. Like the E550 best. I am open to alternate choices but to date, they seem to best meet what I believe my needs are within my acceptable price range.


    highly technical stuff hey..

    u need to handle a few to get a real idea of size thow.. the shape dosnt affect the speed or picture quality really.. except longer zooms dont come in flat packages.. some day they might then the chunky shape will probably disappear..

    personally i like the chunky ones to handle and i also like the zoom but a real "candid" camera that is always on your person ready for instant use needs to be the flat easily concealable shape..

    u might not like the "slowness" of your 3800 but i bet u would miss the nice zoom if u didnt have it.. i would.. 6 has turned into 10 now in a similar sized package..

    still u know your needs better than i do.. just trying to point out some basic things about camera sizes and shapes and how important small is if u really do intend to have your camera with u all the time..


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