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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Ypsilanti, MI

    Question Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I would rate my basic skills at photography as maybe intermediate, but I have alot I need to learn. I started with an HP digital about 5 years ago, it was awful! About 3 years ago I bought a Minolta Dimage S404, while its a decent camera it doesnt do everything I'd like (manual adjustments, etc) and the picture quality leaves room for improvement, plus you have to use the Dimage software after you download the pics.

    There are so many cameras and reviews out there that Im just lost! A few models that have been recommended to me are Nikon 5400, Sony V1 and Panasonic Lumix Z20. What my main priorities are:
    Price- $500 or less
    Batteries- AA (I have 3 sets of Maha 2300ma batteries and charger. But this isnt a deal breaker)
    Memory- Compact Flash
    Types of pictures taken- automobiles in daylight (car shows and detail pics of trim/paint/etc), Macros of fish/corals and other stuff, indoor photography (people in incandesant light and car shows under artificial light) and outdoor scenes (vacations, etc
    pics used- Web based pics, slide shows via CD and some prints mainly 5x7-8x10.

    I Want something that doesnt have alot of noise and good color reproduction. I know I cant get film quality in my price range, but Id like to get as close as possible. I will really appreciate any advice you can offer me, thanks!

  2. #2
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    Quote Originally Posted by LightngSVT
    ,,,plus you have to use the Dimage software after you download the pics.

    Types of pictures taken- automobiles in daylight (car shows and detail pics of trim/paint/etc), Macros of fish/corals and other stuff, indoor photography (people in incandesant light and car shows under artificial light) and outdoor scenes (vacations, etc
    pics used- Web based pics, slide shows via CD and some prints mainly 5x7-8x10.

    I know I cant get film quality in my price range, but Id like to get as close as possible.

    For 5x7 and 8x10, a 3-4 MP camera will do an excellent job. You will have to decide how much control you want over the camera, what manual controls make sense for you. Do you want straight images out of the camera or do you plan to do post-image processing?

    Downloading pictures always requires software of some type. If you buy a card reader, Windows XP will be able to see the memory card with its own software. Readers often come with software if you have another OS that won't do this automatically.

    Even a good $500 P&S has higher image quality than 35mm film.

    IMHO, one good place to start would be something in the "A: series of Canon.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    buy the panasonic FZ20.. the price is okay and the perfomance more than okay.. take my word for it once u have used a super zoom camera u will never be happy with just 3.. dont get bogged down with noise and image comparing.. just think of all the nice pics u can take with that 12x image stabilized lense and go for it.. he he

    oh.. the only real downside is that it wont fit in your shirt pocket.. but it does look like a "real"camera.. u cant have it all ways..

    excuse my bluntness but i really do think that for the money this camera cannot be beaten.. and for double the money come to that.. he he

    jeesh i must work for panasonic.. he he


  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Ypsilanti, MI

    Re: Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    Thanks for the advice so far. ID like to have the option of full manual controlsas well as point and shoot for those time I just want to snap a quick picture. A friend today suggested the Canon S1 IS. I looked into it and really like many of the features like 10x optical zoom, image stabilization, unlimited 640x480 video with auto focus and zoom, as well as the layout of the controls and the fact it uses AA batteries and CF memory. I also like the look of a DSLR.

    What I dont like is that its only 3.1 mp ( my current S404 is 4mp), doesnt have a "regular" view finder and no macro mode. Plus its a bit bulky, but not to bad. The price is great too at around $300-350. Man I wish there was an easier way to find the best camera!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    there really is no "best" camera.. they will all have something u dont like about em.. i think u have to work out what really matters to u and put up with the less important minor irritations.. i have cameras that take cf cards.. i have cameras that take sd cards.. i have cameras that take AAs and ones that take proprietory lithiums.. this aint thru choice its just the way it happens..

    i spose what i am trying to say is that type of card or battery dont really matter if u like the rest of what the camera has to offer.. as for going down to 3 mega pixels.. well its something that u have to do if u want that very nice 10 x zoom and u want it on the cheaper price range of cameras.. at least the canon has some kind of image stabilization at its "cheaper" price..

    AA batteries and CF cards dont fit in very well with making cameras smaller.. AA batteries also add quite a bit of weight compared to lithiums.. AAs get offered cos it saves the camera maker money thats about the only reason.. and u soon get used to SD cards in fact after a while CF seems kinda huge and klunky..

    now if u could put up with proprietory lithiums and squidgy little SD cards.. u really could have more mega pixels and a better camera to boot.. i will let u guess at which one.. he he


  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Ypsilanti, MI

    Re: Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    So you are really sold on the FZ20, huh?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Looking for a new digital camera, need help!

    in short.. yes.. he he

    basically when someone is so positive about a particular camera as i am about this one.. its often seen as a kind of challenge.. its should provoke some bugger to knock it down with comparisons with their own favourite camera.. u will note that so far we aint got no comparisons.. and i dont think we will.. he he

    which of course is why folks are reluctant to stick their necks out and recomend any one particular camera over another.. basically i am sure enough about this one to risk it.. if i persuade folks to stop dithering and go out and buy one i wont feel guilty.. he he

    but as i keep saying it wont win any prizes for its ability to fit in your shirt pocket.. thow its remarkably light for its size.. bigger than normal but not heavier.. this is the plus side of that lithium proprietory battery..


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