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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    United States

    Question Which lens to buy?

    It's been quite some time since I have posted here but always received the best advice when I was a regular so I thought I would seek out your opinions....

    I have a Nikon 990 and am wanting to purchase a new teleconverter lens. Nikon offers a 2X and a 3X but I can't decide on which to purchase. I need it mainly for my kids Little League baseball games and some light portrait work. I know there are much better and greater megapixal cameras out but I don't want to purchase a totally knew camera when I am still satisfied with my current one. Any advise as to which might be more beneficial for me would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Perryville, MD
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheila
    It's been quite some time since I have posted here but always received the best advice when I was a regular so I thought I would seek out your opinions....

    I have a Nikon 990 and am wanting to purchase a new teleconverter lens. Nikon offers a 2X and a 3X but I can't decide on which to purchase. I need it mainly for my kids Little League baseball games and some light portrait work. I know there are much better and greater megapixal cameras out but I don't want to purchase a totally knew camera when I am still satisfied with my current one. Any advise as to which might be more beneficial for me would be greatly appreciated.
    It is really a matter of preference. Maybe go to a camera shop and try each one to see which is better for your needs.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

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