I'm having the hardest time picking out a camera. I've searched, I've read reviews. And I've come down to a few, but still debating on which one is the best. It's driving me insane!
Powershot SD600, PowerShot SD450, Powershot SD700, Powershot SD550, Powershot SD630, Casio Exillm EX - Z600 0 and Sony DSC-W30.
Out of all, I like'd the SD 600 the best. But it was such a turn off when I read in a review that it only takes up to a hundred and sixty shots. And the battery life is poor, also red eye. The SD 700 Which takes eighty more pictures, but the price also increases by another hundred or more. The Casion Exilim Z600 takes up to about five hundred shots but the price isn't as high. But, Casio ? the picture quality probally isn't as great as the Canon ones. (correct me if I'm wrong, cause I've been hearing that Canons are at top for their picture quliltys) The only reason It's up on my list cause it takes more shots, 2.7 Bright LCD screen and the slim look of it.
- Prefer Slim, able to be in my pocket or purse without feeling like a brick.
- NOT BULKY LOOKING, light weight if possible, not too chunky
- Sharped images, super quality. No bluryness what so ever, if possible.
- Prefer no red eye, if possible.
- Doesn't take forever to load up
- LCD visible in low light
- Atleast 5'0 Mega, nothing less
- Good indoors / out doors, am and pm.
- Doesn't have any lags taking one after another
- Atleast more then a 2'0 LCD screen, prefer atleast 2'5 or more. The colors have to be
super nice. Atleast make me go "whoa" just looking at the screen
- AA Battery's if POSSIBLE, or atleast long battery life, the more shots the better
- Something that isn't like pricy, example: Nothing over Five hundred CA.
- Brilliant colors ? More Features ?
I wanna be able to take nice scenery, everyday usage, pictures at night of a brigde or something and turns out to be clear and sharp.
Any imputs on the one's I suggested ? Any suggestions on other digital's ? Reasons why I should choose this one over the other ?
And this is probally a stupid question. Do they charge by USB cord ? or is it plug into the wall or what so ever ? Cause, if I'm on vacation somewhere and probally won't have my laptop on me. So that'd be a really big problem if the battery runs out.
Yes I am totally newbie'd out.
My last question, what type of digital take's picture's with blury backgrounds, without using photoshop to fix up. Is there any beside thoses pro one's that are around a grand or more ? Is there even ones under five bills ?
Thanks !