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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Digital CCD sensors: 2 questions

    Ive been playing around w/ my new D70 and I noticed some thing: I have a 1GB card in it and on the best jpeg setting I can only get about 290 shots. W/ my 5000 and a 256 card on the same setting I can get 144. There is only 1 mega pixel difference between them.

    Now I understand that the DSLR will (or should) have a better sensor but this seams like such a big defference!

    Why such a difference?

    And do you think that the major camera companies will make a 0% magnification sensor (in the near future) for the DSLR cameras? I see that Canon already makes one. Reason asking is Nikon has their DX lenses and if they go to 0% mag sensor, these lenses will be useless!!! Maybe just like their F3AF 80mm & 200mm!!!

    Your thoughts,
    Fat Boy

  2. #2
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Digital CCD sensors: 2 questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Boy
    Ive been playing around w/ my new D70 and I noticed some thing: I have a 1GB card in it and on the best jpeg setting I can only get about 290 shots. W/ my 5000 and a 256 card on the same setting I can get 144. There is only 1 mega pixel difference between them.

    Now I understand that the DSLR will (or should) have a better sensor but this seams like such a big defference!

    Why such a difference?

    And do you think that the major camera companies will make a 0% magnification sensor (in the near future) for the DSLR cameras? I see that Canon already makes one. Reason asking is Nikon has their DX lenses and if they go to 0% mag sensor, these lenses will be useless!!! Maybe just like their F3AF 80mm & 200mm!!!
    There are no standards for the terms "fine", "normal", etc. when it comes to jpeg compression. My bet is that the smaller camera compresses the image a lot more than the jpeg setting you are using on the D70.

    Yes, APS sensor size is a problem. I personally would not spend good money on an APS lens. As technology improves, the yield for 35mm-sized chips will improve. In that case, all those APS lenses will be useless. If APS is where the industry chooses to go in the next few years in spite of improved yields, then I might rethink the issue. Right now, I would only buy 35mm lenses for my Rebel.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

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