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  1. #1
    Junior Member howndawg's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Question Digital camera suggestions?

    I'm looking for a new digital camera to buy for my honeymoon. We want to be able to carry this thing around without it being in the way, and also to take pictures quickly before the moment comes and goes.

    The criteria I've established are as follow, in order of priority:

    -thickness, less than ~22 mm
    -extremely quick boot-up time
    -very little shutter lag
    -general quality

    In my searching, I've come across the Pentax Optio WP, which happens to be waterproof as well, boots up in 0.6 seconds, and has 0.05 seconds of shutter lag. Reviews state that it's a pretty decent camera in general too. I haven't been able to find other cameras that even state boot-up time in their online specs, so I was hoping someone here could suggest a few digital camera models that would fit the bill.

    Thank you!

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  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Digital camera suggestions?

    Right off the top of my head I can think of two cameras that meet your requirements - the Casio EX-Z750 and the Fujifilm FinePix Z1. I happen to have just reviewed the Casio, and I'm almost done with a review of the Fuji Z1. Both fit your size limitation and both have very fast startup and minimal shutter-lag. The shot-to-shot time on the Fuji is pretty slow. I like the Casio better. I haven't used the Pentax yet, although it does look good. If you aren't actually going to have it in the water, I don't think I'd worry about water resistance. I've had all kinds of cameras out in the rain for extended periods of time and I've never had one fail because it got wet. Dunking is another story, though.

    In case you haven't seen them, here's a link to the pro reviews on this site:

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  3. #3
    Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Mexia, Texas, USA

    Re: Digital camera suggestions?

    I can throw another one into the mix -- the Olympus "Stylus Verve". I recently bought one to be a small carry along camera - it is 4 mpg, I do notice any appreciable lag time and the start up time is very nice as well. It is "semi" waterproof, as in don't drown it - the lens retracts and presents a very small fits in the shirt pocket easily profile when retracted and ready to go. Photo's - so far very nice - limitations - zoom is only 2x optical. OK for candid people pictures etc.

  4. #4
    Junior Member howndawg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Re: Digital camera suggestions?

    Thanks for the suggestions guys

    I've looked at each of them, and while looking at the Casio website, came across the EX-S500 from the Casio EXILIM series.

    Has anyone had a chance to play with one of these?
    <a href=""><img src="" align=left border=0 alt="Convert VHS to DVD"></a><b><font color=#FF0000>HomeDVD</font></b><br><a href="">Convert VHS to DVD</a>

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    TA israel

    Re: Digital camera suggestions?

    There are several professional reviews related to the cameras mentioned here :

    Casio Exilim EX-Z750

    Fuji FinePix Z1

    Olympus Stylus Verve

    Casio Exilim EX-S500

    notice however, that the Oly is much cheaper but got lesser grades as well.

    hope you will find that helpful.

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