Hi everyone,
I Just spent a few hours of my time looking for an answer to this simple question: If I went out today and bought a Canon G10 and a Rebel XS/XSi (with only the 18-55 mm lens), would there be an appreciable difference in picture quality when shooting in not too high ISO and normal lighting?
A bit of background to help you answer better. I've only owned P&Ss and have recently developed an interest in photography. I can't say I know much (or even little really) about photography, and I don't think that I'll take this hobby too far. I know, however, that I have an eye for it and I'd still like to take a really nice portrait or a good (semi-pro) looking shot of whatever every once in a while. I understand one is a P&S and one is a DSLR. So there's no need to tell the differences or advantages of either as this is addressed in online forums all over the place. This is also not a question about what should one buy as this will ultimately depend on ones preferences.
Most of what I read online was people either assuming or saying that a DSLR "ofcourse" will give you a better quality photo and then would explain that with talking about how it works or how the numbers are better. A friend suggested I go and compare photos taken with both cameras on flickr and frankly I couldn't tell the difference.
If you know something about photography... and I mean really know something about photography then please help me out here. If you have concrete examples of how different would the photos be, then please help me out. Actual photos would be ideal. And kindly, turn on your snob detectors as you write your responses and take care of snobbery before it shows on the page :thumbsup: