Camera Dealer Feedback Forum

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Recommendations, not warnings, please

    So where are the GOOD places to buy cameras online at discounts. I'm looking for a Nikon D70s set, and have gotten the price down to around $900 through mainstream, national retailers (Best Buy, Ritz, etc.). If I'm not going to buy it from my local camera store, I'd rather just find the best price without getting scammed. The question is, Where do I do that? I've read plenty of horror stories... how about some recommendations?

  2. #2
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Recommendations, not warnings, please

    If you check further down the forum here, you will see reputable dealers praised. Unfortunately "Online at discounts" and "good places" don't always go together. I think some of the "good" dealers have reasonable and fair prices (no markups). Most of their prices are about the same. They also give great customer service, no restocking fees on returns, etc.

    Please also check the dealers that support and advertise on this website.

    Some of these reputable dealers include: B&H, Canoga, Adorama, Beach (Beach sometimes sells at discount prices), Norman Camera. All of these dealers also have great customer service - this is how they earn their reputation. Personally I deal with B&H most of the time - but I live in NJ, close enough to go by bus.

    Maybe others will have more suggestions, but I hope this helps.


    Quote Originally Posted by Josh Miner
    So where are the GOOD places to buy cameras online at discounts. I'm looking for a Nikon D70s set, and have gotten the price down to around $900 through mainstream, national retailers (Best Buy, Ritz, etc.). If I'm not going to buy it from my local camera store, I'd rather just find the best price without getting scammed. The question is, Where do I do that? I've read plenty of horror stories... how about some recommendations?

  3. #3
    I can't member!?!? dmm96452's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations, not warnings, please

    I recently bought my 20D from B&H. After trying some of the places with incredible prices and getting some of the run arounds you can read about in other posts these people were a breath of fresh air. Quick, easy and painless. Worth the extra few dollars.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Recommendations, not warnings, please

    My rule of thumb is, "If the price is significantly lower than B & H Photo, it is probably a scam".

    I've dealt with B & H for many years and they are reliable and the merchandise is as advertised. I've only bought new equipment from them.

    I'm from NY, but the rest of you don't have to listen to their god-awful radio advertisements. Their radio ads are an embarrassment; get past that and they are a solid company.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Recommendations, not warnings, please

    Strike Beach from your list of recommended vendors. I know that this thread has long since gone dormant, but if anyone searches for something like this and finds it, beware:
    I am going on a trip and wanted to get the new Nikon 18-200 VR lens. I had 3 separate conversations with 3 different people at Beach to verify that an item was "in stock". Each assured me that it was, and that it would ship out on a specified date. In fact, the item was not "in stock," it was only expected in a shipment, which Beach said never arrived. So for Beach "in stock" doesn't mean in a warehouse, available to be shipped--it means we're expecting it, so probably we'll be able to ship it.
    If this wasn't bad enough, the item remained "in stock" on the website for several days after the shipment hadn't arrived, and then no one notified me about the problem; I had to call to ask where my product was after the assured delivery date came and went.
    In short--bad inventory system, equally bad customer service.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: Recommendations, not warnings, please

    This kind of thread never dies, so I'm using it to make a recommendation. If you're in Hong Kong, avoid Happy Rich Audio & Video, Shop F, G/F, Burlington House,90-94C, Nathan Road T.S.T., Kowloon, Hong Kong, like the plague!!! I'm not a Canon man, so I know zip about the progression of models. I was after a 550D for my brother, but the guy at the store talked me into a "newer generation" 20D, and gave me a "special price" because it was a display model. If they'll cheat one idiot (me) they'll cheat YOU too!!!

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