Camera Dealer Feedback Forum

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  1. #1
    Just your average snapper.
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ontario Canada

    Good place - Henry's Camera, London Ontario.

    Recently my old Canon A80 has been acting up by giving a pink tint to all my pics. Then the LCD screen would look like someone smeared bubblegum down it. It didn't look good for my great little camera. But I'd had it for about seven years so I was ready for some new technology. I wasn't upset.

    So, after a load of research, I went to my nearest LCS (40 mins away) with the thoughts of comparing a Canon G11 and a S90. I was going to buy one of the two. By a stroke of luck I took my old camera along so as to compare its (poor) low-light focusing to the newer cameras.

    Doug the salesman looked after me and he placed the two cameras on the counter. He asked me why I was replacing my old camera and I said it was because (I assumed) the sensor was bad. He then stated that the sensor was the subject of a factory re-call and that he could get it fixed for me - free.

    I nearly fainted. Here he was, just about to make a $500 sale ($700 with extras) and he's telling me how I can get my problems fixed for free. Also, he could have agreed that my camera was junk and offered to dispose of it for me. I would have let him. Then he could have gotten it fixed for himself. But he didn't.

    After I'd semi recovered from the shock I asked him why he was doing this. His reply was that he believed in karma and that a good deed would come back to him. It did - I bought the G11 anyway.

    I've never been in that LCS before but they have got me as a customer from now on.

    Doug at Henry's Camera, Wellington Rd South, London Ontario Canada is a gem and a true gentleman. Thanks Doug.

  2. #2
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA

    Re: Good place - Henry's Camera, London Ontario.

    Mike, thanks for sharing your fantastic experience with us. This sounds like a place that deserves getting you future business and that wants customers instead up jerking them around, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
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    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  3. #3
    Just your average snapper.
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ontario Canada

    Re: Good place - Henry's Camera, London Ontario.

    I was back at Henry's Camera again today to pick up my repaired Canon A80 - three weeks less a day from when I dropped it off. I was a bit slow getting back to the shop (40 mins away from me) so it was ready days ago. The repair order had quoted 6-8 weeks. That's great service from Canon.

    I talked to salesman Doug again and he thanked me for the above post. He'd been here to read it after someone had tipped him off as to its presence.

    It's a great feeling when things go as they should go.

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