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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Broadway Photo reps LIE

    I just bought a Nikon CoolPix S51c from Broadway Photo. They convinced me to buy an extended battery. However, after a little research I found out there is no such thing. When I contacted Broadway photo, they insisted I was sold the "executive" kit that included the extended battery. These guys lie! There is no such thing as an extended battery for the Coolpix S51c. It even says so in the manual. Although I am out only $79, it is the principle of the matter. It is also a grey market phone in a box that came out of Japan and a hand stapled manaul. I will stay away from all online Photo stores from now on.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Broadway Photo reps LIE

    I had a similar experience. I ordered a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3 because Broadway had the best price. The confirming email said I had to call and confirm the order, which I did. The rep that I spoke to then tried to tell me that the battery that came with the camera would only last 20 minutes and I should order one of the long life batteries (I had previously gotten the same song and dance from DigitalNerds). I declined the seriously overpriced battery and was told that the camera was out of stock and would ship in 3-4 weeks. Three weeks later I called the order desk and told them I was interested in the camera and would they check stock. I was told they had 7 in stock. I then called customer service and was informed that the camera was on backorder and it would be 3-4 weeks (again!). I was told that the salesman's information was not up to date. Two weeks later I went thru the same routine, check stock, then call customer service and check my order with identical results. I cancelled the order. I then checked pricing online and called sales again and attempted to order a different color model with the same pricing. Was told it was out of stock so I tried the black model. Was asked if I wanted the Asian or American (much more expensive) model. I said I wanted the one that was advertised on the website at the low price. "Oh, you want the Asian model." I asked what the difference was and was told that it was an "Asian language" model. I informed the salesman (who was now becoming more than a little testy) that Asian was not a language and asked where on the Website I could find this bit of information about the camera. He told me that it was in Chinese and refused to entertain any further discussion that did not include my credit card number. I suggested he perform a certain act upon himself (anatomy permitting) and hung up. Broadway will never see a dime of mine.

  3. #3
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA

    Re: Broadway Photo reps LIE

    Quote Originally Posted by LFC Fan
    I just bought a Nikon CoolPix S51c from Broadway Photo. They convinced me to buy an extended battery. However, after a little research I found out there is no such thing. When I contacted Broadway photo, they insisted I was sold the "executive" kit that included the extended battery. These guys lie! There is no such thing as an extended battery for the Coolpix S51c. It even says so in the manual. Although I am out only $79, it is the principle of the matter. It is also a grey market phone in a box that came out of Japan and a hand stapled manaul. I will stay away from all online Photo stores from now on.
    First of all welcome to our site and thanks for sharing your experience with us. Buying on line is not a problem if you know which dealers that are recommended and the ones to stay away from. Check out the list I have posted here that says "RECOMMENDED SITES AND SITES TO AVOID" and you should have a much better experience the next time you purchase on line, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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