I ordered a Lumix TZ3 days ago from these guys, only to find an email in my inbox today requesting I confirm my order. Suspicious (no other electronics retailer has ever asked me to "call" to confirm - they usually just get ON IT and ship the product.
Anyway. I called, but investigated this forum first...so I was prepared for the experience. I thought maybe I could just say "No" to whatever they were going to try to push on me. Hmph.
Sure enough, the salesman tried to sell me a battery, because the camera shipped with that special 15-minute variety I had read about in this forum. I said, no thanks, I'm okay with how it ships. He insisted that I listen to a whole spiel about the battery and who knows what else would have come next. I said "No" again, please just ship what I ordered, I don't need anything else. He escalated, said I needed to listen to him completely before he would place my order (wait - isn't that coercion?).
I asked him to cancel the order. He said he did. You can bet I'll be watching the credit card statement like a hawk.
This has already not been worth the money I'd have saved if I just bought the dang TZ5 I saw at Costco a couple weeks back...
THANKS forums @ PR review! I did have a frustrating experience, but at least I WAS READY FOR IT and knew what to do beforehand.