a few years back when i first used a digital camera.. the camera took and produced the pictures.. my computer was simply a quck and convenient means of viewing my digital photographs.. a very quick and convenient sytem..

that and the cheap cost of "digital film" is what sold me on digital photography as opposed to film..

the camera was the photographic tool.. it took the pictures the computer was simply a quick and convenient means of viewing the end results..

over a very few years things have changed.. changed to the point where the camera isnt the main photographic tool any more the computer is.. its ceased to be a simple viewer and become the thing that actually produces the pictures..

the camera is in danger of being relegated to the position of a remote data capturing device for the main photographic tool.. the computer..

somehow i feel the art of photography has been downgraded..

does anybody else feel this way or is it just me.. ???

dont get me wrong i have no desire to go back to film.. but the real reason i shoot jpegs for example as opposed to raw is connected with my feelings that the computor is taking over from the camera as the main photographic tool..

with a jpeg its easier for me to convince myself that its me and the camera doing the job and not me and the computor..

i know i am trying to do the impossible and hold back the flow of time.. but its how i feel.. he he he
