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  1. #1
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    UK: Police (ab)use of POA

    From The British Journal of Photography:
    Metropolitan Police APOLOGISES for using Public Order Act against photographers and journalists at G20 protests. Read:

    Press organisations have documented instances of police officers abusing their powers during G20 protests. Our report:

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  2. #2
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Newport, NC

    Re: UK: Police (ab)use of POA

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    From The British Journal of Photography:
    Metropolitan Police APOLOGISES for using Public Order Act against photographers and journalists at G20 protests. Read:

    Press organisations have documented instances of police officers abusing their powers during G20 protests. Our report:
    So if I understand that right, under Order 14 the Police can decide when and for how long to declare a Police State? Hmmmm.

    Well, they've already taken away their guns, why not the rest of their rights...

    It scares me that Homeland Security will erode our rights much the same way here in the states.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: UK: Police (ab)use of POA

    Yes, and that's without using the Counter Terrorism Act which gives even more powers.
    You can be held for up to 28 days under that, and if it's not a high profile operation I suppose you just vanish.
    If there's no press to report on your arrest, who knows where you are and what happens?

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  4. #4
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Newport, NC

    Re: UK: Police (ab)use of POA

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    Yes, and that's without using the Counter Terrorism Act which gives even more powers.
    You can be held for up to 28 days under that, and if it's not a high profile operation I suppose you just vanish.
    If there's no press to report on your arrest, who knows where you are and what happens?
    Scary stuff!
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: UK: Police (ab)use of POA

    Plus up to 10 years in prison for taking a photograph which may be useful to terrorists.
    Including photographs of police. Presumably identifying them as targets.
    How about we walk about with "I am a terrorist suspect" button badges, that's what we are.

    But one guy making a protest and wearing such a badge was denied boarding on a flight - the flight staff decided it was a badge issued by security and took him and his bags off the flight because he was a terrorist threat !
    There is no IQ test for airlines, it seems

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Re: UK: Police (ab)use of POA

    Hey Paul, obviously the police don't want people photographing or filming them killing innocent people who are on their way home from work, walking away from the police, with their hands in their pockets and their heads down. How inconvenient for them that someone managed to do just that, an American banker I believe. RIP Mr Ian Tomlinson.
    Something I found very disturbing was that the officer that carried out the unprovoked attack on Mr Tomlinson was wearing a mask and had removed his identification number from his uniform.
    Here is a link to the video for anyone interested
    Keep your sense of proportion by regularly, preferably daily, visiting the natural world.

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