Re: Pma
Originally Posted by poker
I'm going to try and register tomorrow and will most likely be there on Sunday.
I'm not much of a writer. I'll help out with video if you need it. I can shadow you and record the whatever booths you think are of value.
Video would be awesome! I am planning to shoot video, too. But any help I can get would be very welcome.
Re: Pma
Originally Posted by GB1
Guys, I will be there Saturday all day. I would like to do Sunday also but I have a business trip that week and have to fly late Sunday morning from San Diego.
Poker, PJ, et al, I have no particular plans for that day, so if you are going to be there that day we should all meet up / party / Whatever.
Maybe we can have lunch on Saturday. I wish I had more time but I have a dinner meeting that night. I do want to meet up with as many people as possible. But my priority has to be meetings and product coverage. It's hard enough as it is. That's why I was hoping to meet up after the show is over. When do you get back from your trip? I plan to be in LA that whole week.
Re: Pma
Originally Posted by GB1
Guys, I will be there Saturday all day.
What conference are you planing to attend on Saturday?
Re: Pma
Poker - I haven't had time to look at what's happening that day - any suggestions? I want to see some post-processing software demos, Nikon's display (REALLY hoping they have the D700x /whatever on display), modeling equipment and info, etc. I will probably spend the entire day there until they kick me out, then drive back to SD late.
PJ, I'll be in Florida all that week and won't return to San diego until Friday around noon. If you're planning on being in the area that Friday let me know: we can rap next Saturday about it, but there's some neat stuff here in SD too. It's about a 2+ hr drive from LA.
Re: Pma
Originally Posted by GB1
Poker - I haven't had time to look at what's happening that day - any suggestions?
Here are the conferences for Saturday:
Saturday, February 20
7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Registration Open
9:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.
Business Practices 101: How to Stay Out of Trouble
Even the most talented photographer has a slim chance of survival without a solid base of business practices. Experienced entrepreneur John C. Pittman outlines some practices that keep his photography business growing, including adopting a code of ethics, simple business record keeping, the necessity of having an employee handbook regardless of the number of employees, and more.
Speaker: John C. Pittman, Sports Stars Inc.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
DIMA Annual Conference
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PSPA Annual Conference
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
SPAA Annual Conference
10:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
Posing and Lighting Basics
The goal of every photographer is to put the client’s best face forward, and the proper use of lighting and posing can make or break a job. We’ll present the basics of indoor and outdoor lighting, as well as posing tips and techniques for various situations.
Speaker: Bambi Cantrell, Cantrell Portrait Design Inc.
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Luncheon: Singles Bar Lessons for Your Photography Business
If you’ve worked in the photography industry for any amount of time, you know the most recent years have been the hardest. (It’s not you; it’s the recession!) Despite feelings of desperation and uncertainty, photographers need not act like the lonely guy in the singles bar who, instead of meeting someone interesting, ends up sitting alone. Take action now to reduce or avoid negative feelings. Tony Blei will show how, during slow times, to posture yourself to be ready for new challenges when the economy improves.
Speaker: Tony Blei, Tony Blei Photography
12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.
PMA Sneak Peek 2010 – Press Only
1:00 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Photographer’s Legal Guide
Attorney Carolyn E. Wright, aka the “Photo Attorney,” discusses legal and business issues affecting photographers, including copyrights, restrictions on photography, contracts, insurance, taxes, licenses, and more. Wright’s presentation is adapted from her book, the “Photographer’s Legal Guide,” and her blog at www.photoattorney.com. Time is allotted for questions and answers.
Speaker: Carolyn E. Wright, The Law Office of Carolyn E. Wright LLC and PhotoAttorney.com
1:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
PIEA Photo Safari at the Getty Museum and Venice Beach
The annual PIEA Photo Safari travels to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles for a chance to see the exhibits. Displays in February include: “In Focus: The Worker”; “A Record of Emotion: The Photographs of Frederick H. Evans”; and “Urban Panoramas: Opie, Liao, Kim.” More details on the Getty Museum and exhibits can be found at www.getty.edu. Tripods and monopods are not allowed at the Getty Museum and must be left on the bus. The bus then heads to Venice Beach for some photo opportunities. Dinner is on your own in the Venice Beach area before heading back to Anaheim. Along the way, faculty members from the Brooks Institute of Photography will offer some 10-minute “quick lessons” on everything from architectural photography to location lighting. Bus departs from the Best Western Raffles Inn & Suites at 1:15 p.m. and returns to the hotel by 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $45 member/$55 nonmember.
Session Chair and Tour Guide: Marcia Rubenstein, Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, Calif.
2:30 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.
How I Changed My Website to Grow My Photography Business
Improve your website and convert visitors into paying clients? Yes! It’s possible, and it’s been done! Kim Larson has tips and tricks to position your website higher in search engine results; the scoop behind the power of social networking tools, such as blogs and Facebook; ideas on how to handle email inquiries from potential clients; and more!
Speaker: Kim Larson, Life Is Art
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Developing New Product Lines
Panel participants, representing professional labs from around the country, outline the latest in unique photo products you can use to differentiate yourself from the competition. See samples and learn how successful photographers are putting a personal spin on products to create promotional opportunities.
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
PSPA/SPAA Lab and Supplier Reception
Discover the newest technology and hidden gems from photography product vendors, meet with lab owners to learn more about their photofinishing services, and relax with peers at this two-hour reception. Included with the All Conference Connect Pass; $29 member/$39 nonmember
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
PMA Welcome Reception
Reconnect with friends from around the world who share the excitement and anticipation about the opening of PMA 2010! Admission and two complimentary beverage tickets are included with full trade show registration or an All Conference Connection Pass.
I Was Confused
I forgot that Saturday was the public day. I wasn't even planning to be at the show that day. My appointments (besides the dinner on Saturday) start on Sunday. So maybe we could all get together for lunch on Saturday?
Re: Pma
Thanks for the info, Poker.
I'm game for meeting Up - Poker, Kokopeli, will you be there Sat? let's meet ~ noon or so. I'll message everyone my cell number. I don't know the convention center area of Anaheim, looks like it's just south of Disney. I assume they have some good places within walking distance. I wonder if there's any fashion shoots going on that day that I can participate in.
Re: Pma
Unfortunately, I won't be available for lunch on Saturday. I wish I could though.
I'll be there early on Sunday to pick up my ticket and the trade show starts at 10AM. Brian or John, give me a ring so I can find you guys.
See you on Sunday!