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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    N.Y. U.S.A.

    Newest member. . .

    So, I do not really understand how it has come to be that I now have three cats.I was never really a cat person. always was a dog kind a guy. It is a long story . . .

    Well, my son was out in the backyard playing when he discovered a kitten that appears to be a few days old at most. Alone next to a tool shed, yelping and yelping away, eyes wide shut, trembling. . .Nina and I went out to see what we could do. Turns out the mother was in the next yard with her litter and could easily hear the yelping little youngun who could not have gotten to where he was on his own. We figured the mother removed it from her litter for whatever reason (too much yelping??)

    Well, with QUITE ALOT of persuading and begging from Nina and Kyle we took in the little guy. I went to buy the formula and the baby bottles, etc.
    And so the story goes . . . .
    After being named "Orange" and "Squirmy" we have settled on "IKI" pronounced "eeky" which in Hawaiian means tiny or little.
    Our other two female cats are curious about the new guy, but I think it will work out.
    Please, no more . . . if you can hear me
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20080606-6149.jpg 
Views:	223 
Size:	61.7 KB 
ID:	55170   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20080606-6150.jpg 
Views:	213 
Size:	52.4 KB 
ID:	55171   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20080608-6222.jpg 
Views:	209 
Size:	91.3 KB 
ID:	55172   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20080608-6227.jpg 
Views:	210 
Size:	70.6 KB 
ID:	55173  
    please do not edit and repost my photos


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