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  • 04-01-2004, 11:07 PM
    All Inclusive
    We're all about including everyone. No special requirements to be a part of this community other than a passion for photography. There are other sites you can go to if you want to be part of some sort of photographic elite. We're here to share our love and continued interest in photography. That's it. We're happy to have you join us.
  • 04-01-2004, 11:10 PM
    I was too busy working to notice that post, Sebastian. Not gonna ban you though. But maybe you'd better keep an eye on your avatar. Wouldn't want something embarrasing showing up there, would you now.

  • 04-01-2004, 11:18 PM
    No place I'd rather call home! Thanks for the love! And if yall havn't banned sab yet, I guess I'm welcome too.
  • 04-02-2004, 05:45 PM
    Charles Hess
    Everyone's harmless here...
    I think. PJ runs a great site, and the antics of Sebastian, Asylum Steve et al, keeps this place nice and fresh.


    Originally Posted by vince
    No place I'd rather call home! Thanks for the love! And if yall havn't banned sab yet, I guess I'm welcome too.

  • 04-03-2004, 08:04 AM
    Hey Vince
    Welcome aboard man

    I see that you came in a little apprehensively, perhaps expecting rejection. I hope that those fears were dismissed as you were greeted with lots of love and acceptance :D I value difference as a gem of life, please don't ever appologize for it. Celebrate it! You have a magical gift to give (love for the <i>process</i>) that many of us here seem to have lost. THAT'S what you can bring, right off the bat, without ever posting a pic!

    I too have been in love with the snap of a manual camera. It is very satisfying. - sometimes I sit in my room and just fire off the shutter of my camera to make that noise, no film inside, just <i>love! </i> - To me that means you have a love for the process, not the result, which is fine. I <i>appreciate that.</i> Too many of us already have our heads in the darkroom as soon as we snap the shutter. I hope you will continue to post your passion for the process and hopefully it will rub off on some of us more "results-oriented" photographers :)

    I used film exclusively for years and now also shoot digital. I carry it in my pocket and love the abilitty to shoot on the fly and see what I shot to make sure it's "right" (subjectively defined) I will NEVER give up on film! It's too wonderful! To make myself sound like a fool, I actually <i>like</i> the wait of getting your prints back, flipping through, complaining about the printing done, them showing them to my friends or passig them around the room to show off. That's harder with digital.

    To show you how much I love this place, I'll tell you that one of the main reasons I bought a digital was so I could post pictures up here faster :) No lie. I got tired ot taking a great shot then waiting to get it back, scanned, posted, etc.

    Yes, I qualify as a PR junkie :)

    Anyway, just to say welcome and you BETTER BE DIFFERENT I challenge you to. Anything else would be a cop-out. And don't forget - if you don't separate film from digital, then you have a better chance of being an influence on thoes that are different. Just a thought.

    ps - I have a scanner for sale, for $40. If you still need one, please message me.

  • 04-03-2004, 11:00 AM
    I'm still at the point in my life where out of 6 rolls of film, I get 3 images I really like and get blown up... I'm going to scan some pics when I get the chance but understand that's the selct few, unfortunatly all my prints don't turn out so good. I have a bad habit of snapping to fast. I'm hoping I get out of that in the next few weeks and learn to look at the shot a lot more before taking it!