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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Crystal Lake, IL

    I have no idea where to put this .... what the heck, I'll put it here. Yes, it's me. I tried to make me as ugly as possible. In truth, this photo was done to try and learn the technique used by this photographer:

    Now granted, he has different skin tones and has clearly spent much more time in processing than I have. I wasn't so much after copying his technique but I wanted to experiment along the same lines.

    His is unique I think mostly due to the tone of color and the small details that show in the pores of the skin.

    Anyway, I like his photographs and think they're very original. I hope to have an original style as well some day. I think experimentation, even if trying to copy someone else, is a good excersize in becoming unique from others.

    Of course this photo is heavily processed as well to emphasize things but still comes no where near the kind of qualities shown in the other persons photos. I'll spend some more time tonight working on the skin texture to see if I can reproduce the effect he has. Just thought I'd share with you all.

    What do you find unique and original?

    Oh and John, make sure you tell him how much I like his portraits please!
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  2. #2
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX

    Re: I have no idea where to put this ....

    I love those and you did REALLY well...look at the eyes of the peopel he's posted it might give you a hint to the positioning of the lights he/she(?) used...I thought they were simple but effective in expressing emotions and I think you really got the essence of taht persons work...awesome attempt...well done
    "I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
    I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
    I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
    I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live."
    Bettie Page

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Crystal Lake, IL

    Re: I have no idea where to put this ....

    Well, upon review of his photos again (one in particular) it's clear I need to spend more time with the lighting. I don't have a lot of tools available but I ought to be able to work something out. I reviewed his photos again and he's using different lighting setups in almost all of them. The one in particular that motivated me was this one:

    As a comparison, he's got a lot more going for him in his photo than I do mine. The angle/pose of the head is much more interesting vs. mine that is straight on for example. The light falloff from the ears back is better than mine (although I don't know if that would have been lighting or photoshop). And finally the texture of his photographs as I've already mentioned. I think he used a smaller diffused light source in that one (possibly just slightly diffused flash?)

    I think I spent too much time focusing on things that emphasize ugliness and not enough time really thinking about pose and lighting.

    This is actually making photography fun again.

    Thanks for the comments nat.

  4. #4
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    May 2004

    Re: I have no idea where to put this ....

    I sat across the table from someone that made those faces my whole childhood. It was my brother. lol He did it to torture me. That's what that guys photos remind me of. Hey, you even resemble him a bit. I say, anything to keep things fun and fresh. why not? If you're trying to do what someone has never done, it's impossible anyway, so might as well put your own spin on something you've seen and like.

  5. #5
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Phoenix AZ

    Hey Trev...

    I feel this one needs either a tighter crop or some more detail in the background. In other words, I feel that the black background is too much. Another recommendation might be to try it again with overhead lighting + a reflector underneath. Just a thought.

    I like what you've done, and I agree with your point that copying someone's style can have good results, as usually it guides one into their own style away from what they were origianlly chasing.

    I'd like to see your next shots!

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

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  6. #6
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX


    if maybe he shot them in the dark and when the flash went off it gave him a spotlight effect...

    it seems in that particular one that he had a very small direct source of light pointed at him---it also looks like the camera was set a bit higher than his eye level and so was the light....just thoughts... ;)

    Sounds dumb but it's a similar effect that you get from a very small light source and being very close to it (inches) I played around with a $12 work light from home depot that illuminated just the center of the face if metered right might work...
    "I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
    I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
    I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
    I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live."
    Bettie Page

    My Temp site...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Crystal Lake, IL

    Re: I have no idea where to put this ....

    well, it's become clear to me that the lighting is key. Regardless, here's another version where I was playing with the color a bit. This one was done entirely different from the last. My light was too soft so I'll have to take it's not easy being that ugly though!!!

    (okay, maybe it is)
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  8. #8
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Phoenix AZ

    I like this one a lot more

    I can't point it out Trev but something gives this one a lot more character. The shadows and coloring (well done) are what do it, I think.

    Keep pluggin away at it.

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

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