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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    Hi guys. I recently replaced my Canon S400 with the SD500 in anticipation of an upcoming trip to Thailand. It was going to be the only camera my wife and I bring on the trip, but in order for me to be in a few shots I think I may buy two cameras. As long as I'm buying a 2nd camera, I thought it might be time to replace my 35 year old 35mm Minolta SRT-101 with a digital SLR. Specifically, I'm interested in the Rebel XT.

    One of the things I really like about cameras like the SD500 is that they take great photos, yet are inconspicous until you pull it out of your bag. I'm worried I won't take the DSLR anywhere just because it is so bulky, cumbersome, and, well, just plain tourist dorky. Does anybody have any tips on keeping an SLR relativley concealed, yet accesible, when traveling?


  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    I don't worry too much about this - if I don't look like a tourist dork, then it's some other kind of dork...

    A small bag that doesn't obviously look like a camera bag helps - there are a lot of ways to do this. However, as soon as you pull out the camera none of that matters anymore. A small digital P&S is something people don't seem to care about, and tend to ignore. You're less likely for this to happen with a DSLR. There are a lot of advantages to shooting with a DSLR, but it depends on the kind of images you want to get.

  3. #3
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    Make sure you carry a tripod as well, thus clearly defining yourself as a camera nerd and preventing folks from mistakenly classifying you as a tourist dork.

    Have fun on the trip and practice a lot with that new camera before setting out.

  4. #4
    Erstwhile Vagabond armed with camera Lionheart's Avatar
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    If you're not ethniclly Asian, then you're marked as a tourist in Thailand no matter what you do But so what. It's more important to get the pictures you want when you're there since going to Thailand isn't something you probably do once a week
    Seek the Son and the shadows fall behind you.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member racingpinarello's Avatar
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    When you travel, irregardless of the type of camera that you have, it's the attitude that you bring. If you are friendly, and approachable then you will be able to take pictures of people and the surroundings. It's about respect, and with a large slr then it matters more. I've seen people with little point and shoots be the rudest because they think people don't care or know they are being photographed. Travel photography is about making a connection with the location and people.

    Study the culture and the locations and have fun. A tourist only cares about the landmarks.

    Also, Thai people are some of the most friendly people in the world. As long as you can have a nice smile they are warm and inviting. My wife has been there numerous times and she loves the people very much. So to answer your question, a Rebel XT should be a great travel camera and don't be afraid to have it out. When you travel with your wife, it should also break down the barriers too.

    Have a good trip....

    Loren Crannell
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  6. #6
    shake it like a polaroid picture berrywise's Avatar
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    Get one of those big honking camcorders. The type that need a full size VHS tape and give that to whoever you are traveling with to carry around. They will attract all the attention so that you can get the shots you want without being noticed.

  7. #7
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    The importance of the bag

    I put a lot of thought into my choice of camera bags. The bag is an essential piece of clothing. You have to live with the bag, not with the camera.

    In other words - I have some sort of bag with me at all times. It contains my papers, passport, money, portable telephone, keys etc. There is also a camera, safely tucked away in a padded compartment. The camera is always with me because it's in the bag.

    On vacation I find you need to carry around a certain amount of spare clothing, guide books, etc. so a backpack is useful. I usually use a Lowepro Rover Light - it's rather big but there's a nice compartment in the bottom half for a DSLR and accessories. You hardly ever see me with a camera - I only get it out when I feel an opportunity to do photos approaching.


  8. #8
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    Re: The importance of the bag

    I have some sort of bag with me at all times. It contains my papers, passport, money, portable telephone, keys etc
    They don't like to be called that, or so I hear . Try "sweetie" or something.

  9. #9
    See things differently Jacqui's Avatar
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    Re: The importance of the bag

    That was just TOO hilarious!

  10. #10
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    Re: The importance of the bag

    Just get a shirt printed saying crew or make a fake photopass :> I did not say that.

    Dont wear bright pink pants and carry around a vanity pak :>

  11. #11
    Liz is offline
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    I have the XT

    so be consoled! It's the one of - if not the - smallest DSLR. It's light weight - and depending on the lens, it might be less conspicuous than you think.

    I agree with everyone else. Just HAVE FUN!


  12. #12
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    Well I guess my answer here is I don't worry about looking like a tourist. My big fear is I wouldn't look like a photographer. I lug a ton of equipment anywhere I go.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  13. #13
    asad azeem
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    Travel to Hualien City on the TRA Taroko Express or Puyuma Express. From Hualien Station, shuttle buses and taxis can take you to the park entrance. With the introduction of daily visitor quotas, make sure to book your tickets or guided tour slots online well in advance to secure your spot. Taroko Gorge Tour

  14. #14
    asad azeem
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    Less crowded than the Blue Lagoon, the Crystal Lagoon offers equally breathtaking waters and dramatic cliffside views. This sheltered cove is ideal for swimming and snorkeling, with underwater caves and vibrant marine life waiting to be discovered. boat tours malta

  15. #15
    asad azeem
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    If you're planning a visit, this guide will provide all the information you need—from the temple's history to practical tips for navigating your trip with ease. Whether you're coming to seek blessings, marvel at the craftsmanship, or partake in the vibrant festivals, this guide has you covered. Khatu Shyam Ji temple

  16. #16
    asad azeem
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    Re: How to travel with SLR without looking like a tourist dork

    You’ll hear fascinating stories about Bordeaux’s transformation from a medieval city to the stunning wine capital it is today. An added bonus? Spectacular photo opportunities at the Miroir d’Eau! Tours can get busy during peak seasons (spring and summer), so booking your spot in advance is highly recommended. Bordeaux walking tours

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