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  • 10-15-2007, 10:21 AM
    5 Attachment(s)
    Went to the Arizona State Fair last night and checked out Daughtry for $7 :D It was a cool show. I wasn't a huge fan, but his voice sounded amazing live.

    I shot these with my little p&s digital, and I was having to really crank this puppy hard to get good shots out of him. Set iso to 400, exposure compensation set to - 2 ev, spot metered on highlights, and shot wide angel to keep the f2.8 aperature open and motion blur to a minimum. At that, for a p&s handheld I think they came out okay :)

    Toward the end of the show, he announced that this was the last show on his tour. It was cool to see him take a moment to gaze out at the audience and arena, obviously taking it all in. Like his music or not, this young man has had a meteoric rise and it was humbling to watch him soak in every last minute of what I believe was his first national tour. Cool stuff. In all its grainy goodness :)

    No need to cc, these are just for fun. Thanks.
  • 10-15-2007, 10:42 AM
    Re: Daughtry
    These are pretty amazing considering the camera. You should post a link to this in the thread about "is it the camera or the photographer". While these aren't the same images you could have captured with a higher end camera, they do show you know how to use the equipment you had to capture some great images.