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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    United States

    Magnum New Yorkers Exhibit

    If anyone happens to be in NY City there is a really good exhibit on street photography at the Museum of the City of NY of work of the Magnum group. There are photos by Cartier-Bresson , Capa and a host of others. The work ranges from the late 1930's to photos taken during the blackout last fall. Great stuff a street photographers dream. I caught this critic in the act checking out a Cartier-Bresson print..
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  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Happens to be?! This is a reason to go to NYC! I saw an announcement about this earlier and wish I could see it. I'm sure it was as great as would be expected.

  3. #3
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    United States
    Penny, Steve thanks for the comments. The show was an opportunity to see photographs of some of the 20th century great photographers in person. It was also informative to see the quality of the printing. I thouight my printing was pretty good until I saw the ones in the show.

    Unfortunately my next opportunity to meet up with everyone will probably be the EXPO in the fall. I don't get as many opportunities as I would like to get into the city. I love street photography and for me at least NYC is a great place.

    Last edited by Gerry Widen; 05-25-2004 at 07:32 AM.

  4. #4
    mooo...wooh hoooh! schrackman's Avatar
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    Gerry, nice black and white. You caught this guy at the right moment!

    I also like that print to the left of the frame. Classic.

  5. #5
    Liz is offline
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    Talking In the museum?

    This photo is a classic. I love it - especially the b&w. It reminds me of a Norman Rockwell painting.

    BTW, is shooting in the museum allowed? Or did you do this undercover?


  6. #6
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL
    It is a pretty cool shot, too - street photography of someone looking at street photography.

    The different looks of the prints by different photographers is very interesting too. I've been to the Oswald Gallery in Austin TX which is like a museum of B&W where everything is for sale (just a little out of my price range!!) and that was another good place to see differences side by side of the masters - including Bresson, Adams, Cunningham, Karsh and the list goes on.

    Recently, I was in Houston and just stumbled into the gallery opening of David Hume Kennerly's "Photo Du Jour" exhibit. Not only did I get to meet him (very nice guy), I saw about 30 prints from his 6x7 Mamiya rangefinder - although I don't know if he does them or specs, etc. In true photojournalistic style, they were printed with sloppy borders to prove they're full frame...

    Hey Gerry - how did your show work out?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    United States
    Liz, not sure if photography was allowed. There were no signs, but I was carrying the camera in the open. Usually I pre set the distance and exposure, bring the camera up to my eye and "shoot first ask questions later". People usually don't know the've been "shot"

    Steve, I'm still waiting to show my work to the chairman of the fine arts department. This is the last few weeks of school and they also are preparing requirements to be certified to offer an MFA degree. I received my BFA there. They could be just jerking me around hoping I go away or as they say will meet me in early June. Meanwhile a local exhibition gallery had an open calling for street shots and one of mine was chosen. There is some really good work there and I was excited about that.

    Ray, that print to the left is a photo by Heni Cartier-Bresson of a few bail bondsman leaving city hall or the police station. According to the info they didn't take his camera seriously and that one guy was posing. Cool shot.

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