Over the past week I had a chance once again to attend the Canada Youth conference (CY09), the national youth conference for the Presbyterian Church in Canada. It takes place at Brock University in St. Catherines. Over the course of the week I was one of three photographers for the church's national Magazine, the Presbyterian Record.

It was an amazing time.


At least I know where to go!

Reid makes sure everyone gets to where they're going.

Once we're all signed in, it's just sitting around waiting for the kick off.

A few get to know you games, make like a tree, seriously...

Almost everyone is here now, well except for the East Coast people, there was apparantly a broken bus.

All gathered for worship.

This is Reuben, he is the coordinator of the entire CY event.

the joys of being attached to the Record, I can run around and take lots of photos.

Seeing old friends is all a part of CY.

Blue Tounges.