I am a graphic designer and I do a lot of product shots. When I started with the company our "photo equipment" was slim. (1) Lowel Tota light an umbrella and a Nikon Coolpix 5400. The studio was an office with a white sheet. We photograph tee shirts and outerwear on mannequin torsos, hats and novelty items that we produce. I have since raised the bar and we now have more lights and better equipment (sans camera). I am now running 2 Lowel V-Lights, the Tota, all with white umbrella's, I have one v-light on a boom, and we just got a Calumet shooting table...:thumbsup: . I have created a rack that I have photo paper rolls on and use that as the backdrop for the garments. Unfortunately we still have the same camera. I am working on that next. So... that is the background, now the problem. My images seem to have a lot of noise in them. I am still not getting that "catalog" quality that I want. Yes, it is MILES better then it was, however I know I can do better. My camera flash does not help at all. I shoot with just the photo floods and no flash. Here is an example of an untouched photo off the camera. I am using a Nikon Coolpix 5400 on the auto setting. Keep in mind that my budget is small and I had to kick and scream to get the things we have now.:mad2:
Thanks a bunch!! Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
Chris in Indy