Photography Studio and Lighting Forum

Hosted by fabulous Florida-based professional fashion photographer, Asylum Steve, this forum is for discussing studio photography and anything related to lighting.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2009

    What am I doing wrong in the studio??? HELP!

    I am a graphic designer and I do a lot of product shots. When I started with the company our "photo equipment" was slim. (1) Lowel Tota light an umbrella and a Nikon Coolpix 5400. The studio was an office with a white sheet. We photograph tee shirts and outerwear on mannequin torsos, hats and novelty items that we produce. I have since raised the bar and we now have more lights and better equipment (sans camera). I am now running 2 Lowel V-Lights, the Tota, all with white umbrella's, I have one v-light on a boom, and we just got a Calumet shooting table...:thumbsup: . I have created a rack that I have photo paper rolls on and use that as the backdrop for the garments. Unfortunately we still have the same camera. I am working on that next. So... that is the background, now the problem. My images seem to have a lot of noise in them. I am still not getting that "catalog" quality that I want. Yes, it is MILES better then it was, however I know I can do better. My camera flash does not help at all. I shoot with just the photo floods and no flash. Here is an example of an untouched photo off the camera. I am using a Nikon Coolpix 5400 on the auto setting. Keep in mind that my budget is small and I had to kick and scream to get the things we have now.:mad2:

    Thanks a bunch!! Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.

    Chris in Indy
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  2. #2
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    Middle Florida

    Re: What am I doing wrong in the studio??? HELP!

    Quote Originally Posted by csacord
    My images seem to have a lot of noise in them. I am still not getting that "catalog" quality that I want...
    Welcome to the site, Chris. With inanimate objects and that much light, yeah, you should be getting pretty good quality calalogue shots. No motion in your subjects means you should be able to use a very low ISO and make the shutter speed as slow as it needs (tripod a must) to be to get a good, properly exposed image.

    I think the immediate problem is shooting in auto. Remember, auto usually means average, and average camera settings will often give you average results.

    You need to shoot in either manual or aperture priority mode with the lens at at least f/8 or higher (smaller), and the shutter speed slow enough to give you a bright shot with good contrast. Learning to use either a handheld light meter or your camera's historgram wouldn't hurt, either. At a low ISO, there should be no noise...

    BTW, I've never used the camera you have, but if you can't make these kinds of adjustments with it, then I think we both know where you need to target your budget...
    "Riding along on a carousel...tryin' to catch up to you..."

    Studio & Lighting - Photography As Art Forum Moderator

    Running the Photo Asylum, Asylum Steve's blogged brain pipes...

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2009

    Re: What am I doing wrong in the studio??? HELP!

    Thank you!!! Aw I knew I could find answers eventually. Yes, I shoot with a tripod, just upgraded that as a matter fact. The Nikon is a point and shoot. Need to step up to an DSLR for sure! I never dipped in the settings because I...well, just never had time to play. Seems I am always rushing from job to job. However I will take your advice and dive into it. I am trying to reduce the amount of time I spend in photoshop on color correction. I guess photoshop has made me a bit photo lazy. Need to get over this hump though and get even better shots. Here is a shot of a typical setup on the new table I have a third light but it is not in this shot. The other struggle I am having is when I shoot a light garment and then a black garment. I am thinking that adjusting the settings as you said will help a lot. My blacks look flat and then if I adjust for that then the whites burn out.
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2009

    Re: What am I doing wrong in the studio??? HELP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Asylum Steve
    Welcome to the site, Chris. With inanimate objects and that much light, yeah, you should be getting pretty good quality calalogue shots. No motion in your subjects means you should be able to use a very low ISO and make the shutter speed as slow as it needs (tripod a must) to be to get a good, properly exposed image.

    I think the immediate problem is shooting in auto. Remember, auto usually means average, and average camera settings will often give you average results.

    You need to shoot in either manual or aperture priority mode with the lens at at least f/8 or higher (smaller), and the shutter speed slow enough to give you a bright shot with good contrast. Learning to use either a handheld light meter or your camera's historgram wouldn't hurt, either. At a low ISO, there should be no noise...

    BTW, I've never used the camera you have, but if you can't make these kinds of adjustments with it, then I think we both know where you need to target your budget...
    Hey Steve

    Thanks for the advice awhile back. I have change my settings and I am getting better pics now. I truly believe that the camera needs to be updated now for sure. I have a Cannon EOS in my hands right now that is borrowed. I am working on some comparison shots to strengthen my argument for a better camera. I am planning on shooting the same advice you gave above unless that is the wrong direction for this camera. I am doing some reading up on it and I just want to be sure I am using the camera to the best of its abilities.

    Best regards


  5. #5
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Middle Florida

    Re: What am I doing wrong in the studio??? HELP!

    Quote Originally Posted by csacord
    I have a Cannon EOS in my hands right now that is borrowed. I am working on some comparison shots to strengthen my argument for a better camera. I am planning on shooting the same advice you gave above unless that is the wrong direction for this camera...
    No, what I gave was basic lighting advice regardless of your camera. What's nice about using a better DSLR is that you have more exposure options.

    I'd consider shooting in manual. You can make adjustments based on the viewed image. Begin with a good "sharp" f-stop like f/8 or f/11, then adjust the camera ISO so it is as low as possibe for nice bright exposure and a reasonable shutter speed. IOW, if you find your shutter speed begins to get quite long, then you need to bump up the ISO some.
    "Riding along on a carousel...tryin' to catch up to you..."

    Studio & Lighting - Photography As Art Forum Moderator

    Running the Photo Asylum, Asylum Steve's blogged brain pipes...

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