I currently have 3 umbrellas, two are white shoot through, one is both a white shoot through and a black bounce umbrella. I've been interested in a softbox for a while, but haven't justified the expense. I got to play with one today, and I was really digging the shadows from it. I found a really cool 24x24 that mounts well with my speedlight, but its a little different than the one I got to use, which was something like 24x42. Will I still see the awesome shadow transition on this 24x24, more noticable than the umbrellas? does that flat nylon diffuse it wider than some rounded tapered nylon??
Getting a larger softbox to mount on a speed lite is mucho expensive and ugly set-up, so that is out of the question. Anyway, its $93 at the local shop, I'm feeling torn between getting it and considering it a waste of money considering how different it may be from a 42" bounce or shoot through..