Photography Studio and Lighting Forum

Hosted by fabulous Florida-based professional fashion photographer, Asylum Steve, this forum is for discussing studio photography and anything related to lighting.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Diamond Bar CA 91765

    Unhappy SEEK help: taking pictures for products

    hi, I am a beginner and wants to have something like a workstation set aside just for taking pictures of products(shoes). I am tired of taking pictures with my digital camera and then have to use photoshop to edit the picture as that is very time consuming. When taking pictures of dark color shoes it is no problem at all, but when taking white shoes sometimes they turn yellow in picture which is very bad. I was wondering if any one of you experts out there could provide some help as to what equipments I should buy such as lights or background(I need the background to be white as well). Please help, desperately seek advice.

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Tell me more

    What kind of camera and lights are you using? Different kinds of lights have different color characteristics. Most digital cameras have a White Balance control to correct the color for different types of light. Film isn't as flexible, but you can get special film or use filters to correct for different types of light.

    My guess is that you're using normal indoor light (tungsten) with a digital camera set to auto white balance. See if your camera has a manual white balance setting with specific presets. If it does, choose the tungsten setting - that's usually indicated with a picture of a lightbulb. That should fix your color problem.

    You can also dramatically improve the quality of the light by buying a light diffuser or a light "tent". A light tent is a exactly what the name indicates. It's a tent made of thin white cloth. The tent will diffuse the light from your lights to give very soft, even lighting on your product. It would be perfect for photographing shoes on a plain, white background.

    Tell us what kind of camera and lights you're using and let us know if you have any more questions. We can definitely help you improve your shoe photographs.

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Diamond Bar CA 91765

    thanks, as for my camera:

    hi, thanks for the quick response, the digital camera I am using currently is a fuji 2.1 MP Digital camera, I am looking to get a better one since now need to take pictures that can speak~ in a good way. The light tent, where can we buy that? also do you know where we can buy a background that is easy to use (need a white one), basically when I say I am a beginner I mean it~~ my friend also mentioned about the built-in white light but I couldn't find such thing. I will read the manuel today to see if it is there. I was wondering if you know where I can get a station or build my little own station. Gosh, can't believe there are so much to do~~ Again thanks~

  4. #4
    Junior Member Russ's Avatar
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    Clarksville, TN, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by jimjimll
    hi, thanks for the quick response, the digital camera I am using currently is a fuji 2.1 MP Digital camera, I am looking to get a better one since now need to take pictures that can speak~ in a good way. The light tent, where can we buy that? also do you know where we can buy a background that is easy to use (need a white one), basically when I say I am a beginner I mean it~~ my friend also mentioned about the built-in white light but I couldn't find such thing. I will read the manuel today to see if it is there. I was wondering if you know where I can get a station or build my little own station. Gosh, can't believe there are so much to do~~ Again thanks~
    I am certainly no expert, but would like to offer some suggestions pertaining to the light tent and background(s). As far as the light tent, places like B&H Photo Video should have such equipment. You could also easily fabricate your own light tent using a white sheet. The idea is to surround the subject (shoes) with white with only an opening large enough for the camera to photograph that subject. Let the light source shine through or reflect off the white material onto you product. This will diffuse the light and reduce shadows. As stated, if you are using room lights (tungsten) you will need to balance you camera’s white balance to accommodate the warmer color of tungsten light. I’m not really sure what you mean by building a “station” but for product photography such as shoes a simple card table or any small table should suffice for a platform to support your product. As far as backgrounds go any smooth paper, fabric (sheet?), or poster board should suffice. If you have the money, you might consider a roll of seamless paper, from almost any photography supplier, and a set of Smith-Victor (or similar) tungsten lights (again you HAVE TO adjust for the warmer/yellow color of tungsten). I hope this is of some help.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2004
    Diamond Bar CA 91765

    any suggestion for a good light tent

    hi, can someone offer some advice on which light tent to get which is good at its price? I am looking for a tent large enough so I can take picture of two pairs of size 15 shoes at the same time. Also for the background to be white, what is the best choice? seamless paper? because I would need a big background and hopefully is both the background and the bottom so there won't be a line in between them. help help help!!!

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